Code for the chatbot we're working on
Before proceeding, you should install;
- Python 3.10.6
- Node JS 14 and above - download
- A reverse proxy agent. Preferably Ngrok
- A twilio sandbox - register for one here
- MongoDB - Cloud or MongoDB Compass
- Python
- Javacript
To do this, Create an account here and complete the process. After that, you go to your console > Messaging > settings > Whatsapp Sandbox Settings and follow the instructions you see there
Create an Ngrok account and download the software here
Note: To do this, you should have NodeJS installed
In your Terminal
- Navigate to the folder in your terminal;
cd ./node-backend_bot
- Install necessary packages by running;
npm install
Note: To do this, you should have Python and the pipenv python package installed
In your Terminal
- Navigate to the folder in your terminal;
cd ./python_bot
- If you do not have pipenv, install it by running;
pip install pipenv
- Install necessary packages by running;
pipenv sync
Individual READMEs will be provided in the individual folders
- In the ngrok terminal, run;
ngrok http 5000
In your Terminal
- Navigate to the folder in your terminal;
cd ./node-backend_bot
- start the application
npm run server
In your Terminal
cd ./python_bot
- Activate the Environment
pipenv shell
- In the Virtual Environment, Run the program