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Hans Zandbelt edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 4 revisions


Authorization based on claims provided in the access token (JWT or introspection result) can be done using regular Apache Require directives. Directives can be surrounded by <RequireAll> or (default) <RequireAny> directives to create complex authorization logic.

Exact String Matching

Examples using exact string matching (separator :):

Require oauth2_claim sub:joe

When the claim referred to by the provided key is an array, the array values will be looped over to find a match.

Regular Expression Matching

Example using regular expression matching (separator ~), e.g. to search for value "two" inside a comma/space separated string "one, two, three, four, five":

Require oauth2_claim scope~(^|\s)two($|\s|,)

When the claim referred to by the provided key is an array, the array values will be looped over to find a match.

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