Welcome to TCP Chat-Hub! This project creates 1 server and can be connected to by multiple clients and be used for real time chatting using Python's socket functionality.
How a session looks with 2 clients connected to the server.
- handle_clients: Assigns nicknames to clients, handles incoming messages, and removes disconnected clients.
- broadcast_message: Sends messages to all connected clients, excluding the sender.
- start_server: Initializes the server, accepts new clients, and starts a separate thread for each client.
- receive_messages (client.py): Continuously listens for messages from the server and displays them.
- send_messages (client.py): Takes user input and sends it to the server.
- Start the Server:
- Run
- Run
- Connect Clients:
Each client via
will prompt for a username upon starting, then connect to the server. Clients can send messages, which will be broadcast to all connected clients.
Enjoy chatting! 😊