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Kaggle 2018 Data Science Bowl: find the nuclei in divergent images to advance medical discovery

Development Plan:

  • Platform and framework
    • PyTorch
    • macOS
    • Ubuntu
  • Explore model architecture
    • UNet
      • Contour Aware model (2 tasks)
      • Contour Aware Marker model (3 tasks)
      • Boundaries detection for adjacent nuclei only
    • DCAN (switch to multitask UNet judged bt experimental results)
      • Training efficiency for contour detection
    • Mask RCNN
    • Mixed-Scale Dense CNN (super slow training/inference on current deep learning framework design)
    • Dilated Convolution
    • Dropout
    • Batch normalization
    • Transfer learning
      • Vgg (16)
      • ResNet (34, 101)
      • DenseNet (121, 201)
    • Score function
    • Cost functions
      • binary cross entropy
      • pixel wise IoU, regardless of instances
      • loss weight per distance of instances's boundary
      • Focal loss (attention on imbalance loss)
      • Distance transform based weight map
      • Shape aware weight map
  • Hyper-parameter tunning
    • Learning rate
    • Input size (Tried 384x384, postponed due to slow training pace)
    • Confidence level threshold
      • A better way to tune these gating thresholds
    • Evaluate performance of mean and std of channels
  • Data augmentation
    • Random crop
    • Random horizontal and vertical flip
    • Random aspect resize
    • Random color adjustment
    • Random color invert (NG for this competition)
    • Random elastic distortion
    • Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (NG for this competition)
    • Random rotate
    • Random noise (additive gaussian and multiplied speckle) (NG for this competition)
    • Random channel shuffle and color space transform
  • Dataset
    • Support multiple whitelist filters to select data type
    • Support manually oversample in advance mode
    • Auto-balance data distribution weight via oversampling
    • Tools to crop the portion we need
  • Pre-process
    • Input normalization
    • Binarize label
    • Cross-validation split
    • Verify training data whether png masks aligned with cvs mask.
    • Blacklist mechanism to filter noisy label(s)
    • Annotate edge as soft label, hint model less aggressive on nuclei edge
    • Whitelist configure option of sub-category(s) for training / validation
    • Prediction datafeed (aka. arbitrary size of image prediction)
      • Resize and regrowth
      • Origin image size with border padding (black/white constant color)
      • Origin image size with border padding (replicate border color)
      • Tile-based with overlap
    • Easy and robust mechanism to enable incremental data addition & data distribution adjustment
    • 'Patient' level CV isolation, not infected by data distribution adjustment
    • Convert input data to CIELAB color space instead of RGB
    • Use color map algorithm to generate ground truth of limited label (4-), in order to prevent cross-talking
  • Post-process
    • Watershed segmentation group
      • Marker by statistics of local clustering peak
      • Marker by contour-based from model prediction
      • Marker by marker-based from model prediction
    • Random walker segmentation group
      • Marker by statistics of local clustering peak
      • Marker by contour-based from model prediction
      • Marker by marker-based from model prediction
    • Ensemble
      • Average probability of pixel wise output of multiple models (or checkpoints)
    • Test Time Augmentation
      • Horizontal flip, vertical flip, and combined views
      • RGB to grayscale (NG for this competition)
      • Rotate 90/180/270 degree views
    • Fill hole inside each segment group
  • Computation performance
    • CPU
    • GPU
    • Multiple subprocess workers (IPC)
    • Cache images
    • Redundant extra contour loop in dataset / preprocess (~ 50% time cost)
    • Parallel CPU/GPU pipeline, queue or double buffer
  • Statistics and error analysis
    • Mini-batch time cost (IO and compute)
    • Mini-batch loss
    • Mini-batch IOU
    • Visualize prediction result
    • Visualize log summary in TensorBoard
    • Running length output
    • Graph visualization
    • Enhance preduction color map to distinguish color of different nucleis
    • Visualize overlapping of original and prediction nucleis
    • Statistics of per channel data distribution, particular toward alpha
    • Auto save weight of best checkpoint, IoU of train and CV, besides period save.

Setup development environment

  • Install Python 3.6 (conda recommanded)

  • Install PyTorch

    $ conda install pytorch torchvision cuda91 -c pytorch
  • Install dependency python packages

    $ conda install --file requirements.txt

Prepare data

Just pick one option to prepare dataset

Option A: Use original DSB2018 dataset only

  • Download and uncompress to data folder as below structure,
    └── data
        ├── test
        │   ├── 0114f484a16c152baa2d82fdd43740880a762c93f436c8988ac461c5c9dbe7d5
        │   └── ...
        └── train
            ├── 00071198d059ba7f5914a526d124d28e6d010c92466da21d4a04cd5413362552
            └── ...

Option B: Use external dataset, no filter

  • Download stage 1 test set and uncompress to data/test folder
  • Download and uncompress to data/train folder

Option C: Use external dataset, apply white-filter

  • At first, follow same procedure as option B
  • Download this Google sheet as CSV (File > Download as > Common-separated values), placed at data/dataset.csv
  • Configure whitelist filter in dataset session of config.ini (detail refer config_default.ini)
    ; enable auto-balance class weight via oversampling
    balance_group = True
    ; white-list in dataset.csv, uncomment to enable filter
    csv_file = data/dataset.csv
    source = Kaggle, TCGA

Option D: Manually manage dataset and create fixed CV folder [Advance mode]

  • Download stage 1 test set and uncompress to data/test folder

  • Put any training dataset in arbitrary folder, say data/stage1_train

  • Run to hardlink files into train and valid folders automatically. (no extra disk space used)

    $ python data/stage1_train
  • Resulting data folder as below, it's safe to delete train and valid, no impact to original files

    └── data
        ├── test
        │   ├── 0114f484a16c152baa2d82fdd43740880a762c93f436c8988ac461c5c9dbe7d5
        │   └── ...
        ├── train
        │   ├── cc88627344305b9a9b07f8bd042cb074c7a834c13de67ff4b24914ac68f07f6e <────┐
        │   └── ...                                                                   │
        ├── valid                                                                     │
        │   ├── a3a5af03673844b690a48e13ae6594a934552825bd1c43e085d5f88f2856c75d <─┐  │
        │   └── ...                                                                │  │ hardlink
        └── stage1_train                                                           │  │
            ├── a3a5af03673844b690a48e13ae6594a934552825bd1c43e085d5f88f2856c75d ──┘  │
            ├── cc88627344305b9a9b07f8bd042cb074c7a834c13de67ff4b24914ac68f07f6e ─────┘
            └── ...

Option E: Manually crop dataset [Advance mode]

  • V4 dataset

    • Download V2 and uncompress to data folder
    • Download TCGA no overlap and uncompress to data folder
    • Split TCGA to proper scale and prefered data distribution
    $ cd data
    $ python3 ../ external_TCGA_train --step 200 --width 256
    $ mv external_TCGA_train_split/* source/
  • V6 dataset

    • Git clone lopuhin Github and move stage1_train in data folder
    • Download TCGA no overlap and uncompress to data folder
    • Split TCGA to proper scale and prefered data distribution
    $ cd data
    $ python3 ../ external_TCGA_train --step 200 --width 256
    $ mv external_TCGA_train_split/* source/
  • V9 dataset, or just download here

    • Git clone lopuhin Github and move stage1_train in data folder
    • Download TCGA no overlap and uncompress to data folder
    • Download Celltracking and uncompress to data folder. Also remove redundant and almost the same images.
    • Download v9 CSV to data folder
    • Split proper scale and prefered data distribution
      $ python3 data/stage1_train  --step 200 --width 256 --csv data/v9.csv
      $ python3 data/external_TCGA_train_wo_overlap --step 200 --width 256 --csv data/v9.csv
      $ python3 data/celltracking2kaggle --step 500 --width 512 --csv data/v9.csv
      $ mkdir data/train
      $ mv data/stage1_train_crop/* data/train
      $ mv data/external_TCGA_train_wo_overlap_crop/* data/train
      $ mv data/celltracking2kaggle_crop/* data/train
    • Further manually add synthesized internal data to data/train folder
      • Collect some prediction errors and synthesize data to relearn them.

Hyper-parameter tunning

  • Create or modify config.ini file to overwrite preferences in config_default.ini
    weight_map = True
    model = caunet
    detect = True
    pred_orig_size = True
    ; ratio of cross-valid
    cv_ratio = 0.1

Command line usage

  • Train model

    $ python3
        usage: [-h] [--resume] [--no-resume] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LEARN_RATE]
        Grand new training ...
        Training started...
        // [epoch #][step #] CPU second (io second)     Avg.  batch  (epoch)    Avg. batch (epoch)
        Epoch: [1][0/67]    Time: 0.928 (io: 0.374)	    Loss: 0.6101 (0.6101)   IoU: 0.000 (0.000)
        Epoch: [1][10/67]   Time: 0.140 (io: 0.051)	    Loss: 0.4851 (0.5816)   IoU: 0.000 (0.000)
        Epoch: [10][60/67]  Time: 0.039 (io: 0.002)	    Loss: 0.1767 (0.1219)   IoU: 0.265 (0.296)
        Training finished...
    // automatically save checkpoint every 10 epochs
    $ ls checkpoint
        current.json   ckpt-10.pkl
  • Evaluate on test dataset, will show side-by-side images on screen. Specify --save to save as files

    $ python3
  • Evaluate on cross-validation dataset with ground truth, will show side-by-side images & IoU on screen.

    $ python3 --dataset valid
  • Ensemble models, say checkpoint/2100.pkl and checkpoint/best.pkl

    $ python3 checkpoint/2100.pkl checkpoint/best.pkl
  • Generate running length encoding of test dataset

    $ python3 --csv

Jupyter Notebook running inside Docker container

  • ssh to docker host, say myhost

  • Launch notebook container, expose port 8888

    $ cd ~/Code/DSB2018
    $ docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --rm --shm-size 8G -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt -p 8888:8888 rainbean/tensor
        Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
        to login with a token:
  • Open browser to url, remember to change hostname from localhost to real hostname/ip myhost

  • Create new notebook tab (New > Python3)

  • Train model

    In [1]: %run --epoch 10
    Loading checkpoint './checkpoint/ckpt-350.pkl'
    Training started...
    Epoch: [350][59/270]	Time: 0.206 (io: 0.085)		Loss: 0.5290 (0.5996)	IoU(Semantic): 0.344 (0.263)
  • Evaluate side-by-side prediction in notebook cell

    In [2]: %matplotlib inline
    In [3]: %run
  • Generate csv result

    In [4]: %run --csv

Model Architecture

Model Graph

  • CamUnet

    model camunet

Model Footprint

Model Pre-train # param GPU memory
UNet - 1.94 M 5.5 GB
Unet VGG16 9.43 M 7.5 GB (*)
Unet ResNet18 3.11 M 2.8 GB
Unet ResNet34 3.11 M 3.0 GB
Unet ResNet101 4.84 M 6.1 GB
Unet DenseNet121 3.74 M 5.7 GB
Unet DenseNet201 9.85 M 7.8 GB
CaUnet - 2.70 M
CamUnet - 3.47 M 7.0 GB
CamUnet ResNet34 9.34 M
SamUnet ResNet34 3.11 M

(*) out-of-memory on single GPU, reduce mini-batch size to 10 samples, otherwise 20 samples (**) measure PyTorch v0.3, v0.4 might reduce usage of memory

Learning curve

  • Comparison of cost functions


  • Comparison of composition of convolutional blocks

    The topic of building block of composition of conv. blocks is highly discussed in technical forums and papers. Though it seems not a problem of one-size-fit-all. So here is performance comparison of various popular combinations, the result showed that CAB, conv -> activation -> batch normal take lead in benched model CAUnet, in speed and accuracy.


  • Shared decoder vs. Non-shared decoder & Contour vs. Adjacent_Boundary

    The Encoder part is naturally shared by multi-heads (e.g. semantic, contour, and marker), how about Decoder part? It looks like non-shared decoder part performs better. As for detecting contour or just detecting adjacent boundary, the 'Instance IoU' metric shows that ONLY detecting adjacent boundary outperforms detecting contour, albeit the indiviual IoU of that specific head will be much lower. You get to keep faith and patient during training phase (lesson learned!)

    Shared Decoder and Border Type -- 900 epochs

    Shared Decoder and Border Type -- 1800 epochs

    • Evaluate Kaggle stage 1 test data
    Decoder Border Type Instance mean IoU Epoch
    Shared Contour 0.4453 900
    Non-Shared Contour 0.4501 900
    Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.4292 900
    Non-Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.4635 900
    Shared Contour 0.4507 1800
    Non-Shared Contour 0.4648 1800
    Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.4524 1800
    Non-Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.4807 1800

    (*): all models were trained with Kaggle stage 1 training dataset only, 10% CV, 1e-4 learning rate. Post-processed with random_walker, probability thresholds (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) for 3-heads.

  • Pre-trained model as UNet encoder

    Use uncropped kaggle fixed dataset, 200 epoch to evaluate effectiveness of transfer learning. Resnet_34 gave nice performance boost, deeper network did not shine in the dataset. Vgg suffered on high footprint and low throughput.

    pretrain as encoder

    • Evaluate Kaggle stage 1 test data

      Encoder Decoder Border Type Instance mean IoU Epoch TTA
      Resnet34 Shared Contour 0.5832 200
      Resnet34 Non-Shared Contour 0.6001 200
      Resnet34 Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.5623 200
      Resnet34 Non-Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.5592 200
      Resnet34 Shared Contour 0.5962 200 V
      Resnet34 Non-Shared Contour 0.6176 200 V
      Resnet34 Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.5633 200 V
      Resnet34 Non-Shared Adjacent Boundary 0.5798 200 V

      Note: all models were trained with v9 dataset, resnet34 as pretrain encoder, input data even balanced, 10% CV, 1e-4 learning rate. Post-processed with random_walker, probability thresholds (0.3, 0.3, 0.35) for 3-heads. Training time ~30 hours.

  • Resnet_34 as pre-trained encoder, trained with v10 dataset (data leak: part of stage 1 test as train data)

    • 400 epoch

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5926 0.6399 0.6335 0.6279
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.6354 0.6366 0.6357
      Shared Boundary - - 0.6197 0.6103
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.6025

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.572 on stage 2

    • 800 epoch

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.6190 0.6415 0.6471 0.6521
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.6424 0.6619 0.6572
      Shared Boundary - - 0.6363 0.6448
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.6382

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.546 on stage 2

  • Resnet_34 as pre-trained encoder, trained with v1 dataset (no data leak), 0% CV, TTA applied, 400 epoch. Non-Shared Contour single model scored 0.5488 and 0.559 in v1 and v2 test.

  • Resnet_34 as pre-trained encoder, trained with v9 dataset (no data leak), 0% CV,

    • 200 epoch

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.6176 0.6063 0.5987 0.6038
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5962 0.6100 0.6143
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5633 0.5767
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5798

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.520 on stage 2

  • Resnet_34 as pre-trained encoder, trained with v9+BBBC dataset (no data leak), 0% CV,

    • 100 epoch, freeze encoder weights

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5262 0.5441 0.5429 0.5254
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5394 0.5397 0.5320
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5186 0.5128
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5067

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.576 on stage 2

    • 200 epoch, freeze encoder weights

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5283 0.5420 0.5534 0.5373
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5446 0.5577 0.5507
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5361 0.5392
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5164

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.616 on stage 2

    • 400 epoch, freeze encoder weights

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5703 0.5778 0.5953 0.5757
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5814 0.5995 0.5783
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5782 0.5770
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5467

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.623 on stage 2

    • 600 epoch, un-freeze encoder weights after 400 epoch.

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5816 0.5975 0.6003 0.6014
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5896 0.6010 0.6012
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5690 0.5848
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5773

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.593 on stage 2

    • 800 epoch, un-freeze encoder weights after 400 epoch.

      Ensemble Shared Contour Non-Shared Contour Shared Boundary Non-Shared Boundary
      Shared Contour 0.5978 0.6009 0.6214 0.6113
      Non-Shared Contour - 0.5961 0.6262 0.6175
      Shared Boundary - - 0.5991 0.6060
      Non-Shared Boundary - - - 0.5893

      Note: Best ensemble sported 0.577 on stage 2

    • Learning curve of CV (stage 1 test) and Test (stage 2 test)


      There was a sweet spot/epoch for stage 2 submit but still underfit stage 1 CV. The curve told us few critical things:

      • Overfit train and cross-valid dataset
      • Wide variety gap between training and (stage 2) test data
      • It's a gamble to decide sweet spot without meaningful indicator (CV not work well in the case)

Intermediate Model Checkpoints

  • Stage 1 final submission, here


LB DB Model Cost Fn. Epoch Marker SA TP Learn Rate CV Width PO Crop Flip Invert Jitter Distortion Clahe Edge Soft Label
0.334 Orig UNet BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 10% 256 V V V
0.344 Orig UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 10% 256 V V V V
(TBA) Orig UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V
0.326 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256
0.348 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 300 .5 1e-4 10% 256 V V V V
0.361 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V
0.355 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V V
0.350 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 1200 .5 1e-4 > 3e-6 0% 512 V V V V
0.353 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 600 .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V V
0.413 v2 UNet IOU+BCE 600 P WS .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V
0.421 v3 UNet IOU+BCE 400 P WS .5 1e-4 > 3e-5 0% 256 V V V V
0.437 v3 UNet IOU+BCE 900 P WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.447 v4 CAUNet IOU+BCE 1800 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.460 v4 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 900 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.465 v4 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.459 v5 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1200 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.369 v5 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1200 C WS .8 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.477 v5 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1200 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.464 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.476 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.457 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .2 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.473 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .35 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.467 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.465 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.480 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.461 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.458 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.435 Orig CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C WS .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.472 v4 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 1800 C RW .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.490 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.469 v6 CAUNet IOU+WBCE 5000 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.467 v6 CAUNet IOU+Focal 1800 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.462 v6 CAUNet IOU+Focal 1800 C WS .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.472 v6 CAUNet IOU+Focal 1800 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.484 v6 CAMUNet IOU+Focal 2100 C RW .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.486 v6 CAMUNet IOU+Focal 2100 C RW .5 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.498 v6 CAMUNet IOU+F+WBCE 2100 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.488 v6 CAMUNet IOU+F+WBCE 3760 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.479 v6 CAUNet IoU+F+WBCE 1800 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V
0.479 v6 CAUNet IoU+F+WBCE 1800 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.441 v7 CAUNet IoU+F+WBCE 1800 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.498 v6 CAMUNet IoU+Focal2 4500 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.509 v6+A1 CAMUNet IoU+Focal2 4800 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.527 v6+A2 CAMUNet IoU+Focal2 5300 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V
0.534 v9 Ensemble IoU+Focal2 5300 C RW .3 1e-4 0% 256 V V V V V


  • Dataset (training):
    • V1: original kaggle
    • V2: Feb 06, modified by Jimmy and Ryk
    • V3: V2 + TCGA 256
    • V4: V2 + TCGA 256 (Non overlapped)
    • V5: V2 + TCGA 256 (Non overlapped) + Feb. labeled test set
    • V6: lopuhin Github + TCGA 256 (Non overlapped)
    • V7: V6 + cell tracking
    • A1: 5x2 Jupiter examples
    • A2: A1 + 24 Overlapping/Touching stitching examples
    • V8: Kaggle + TCGA + Cell tracking, without manually cropping
    • V9: Kaggle + TCGA + Cell tracking + Sticking(A1+A2), with manually selection and cropping
    • V10: Kaggle + TCGA + Cell tracking + BBBC + Stage 1 Test
  • Score is public score on kaggle site
  • Zero CV rate means all data were used for training, none reserved
  • Adjust learning rate per 300 epoch
  • Cost Function:
    • BCE: pixel wise binary cross entropy
    • WBCE: pixel wise binary cross entropy with weight
    • IOU: pixel wise IoU, regardless of instance
    • Focal: Focal loss with pixel wise wise binary cross entropy, weighted by contour
    • Focal2: Focal loss with pixel wise wise binary cross entropy, weighted by contour and centroid
  • TP: threshold of prediction probability
  • PO (predict origin size): true to keep original test image in prediction phase, otherwise resize as training width
  • SA (segmentation algorithm): WS (Watershed), RW (RandomWalker)
  • Marker (marker for segmentation):
    • P: local peak max of clustering
    • C: predicted contour of model output
  • Ensemble: CamUNet + CamDUNet

Known Issues

  • Error: multiprocessing.managers.RemoteError: AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'PngImageFile'

    Reproduce rate:
    Root cause:
        PyTorch subprocess workers failed to communicate shared memory.
        Ignore and issue command again
  • Train freeze or runtime exception running in docker container

    Root cause:
        PyTorch subprocess worker require enough shared memory for IPC communication.
        Assign --shm-size 8G to reserve enough shared memory
        $ docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --rm --shm-size 8G -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt rainbean/tensor python

Transform effect demo

  • Random elastic distortion


  • Random color invert


  • Random color jitter


  • Clahe color equalize


  • Image border padding: constant vs replicate. Used in origin size prediction.



Data Science Bowl 2018






No packages published


  • Python 100.0%