Nutcash is a staking platform with Nutcash (NCASH) rewards
Max Supply: 21,000,000 NCASH
Initial Supply (Airdrop): 10,500,000 NCASH
NCASH is an ERC-20 token deployed with OpenZeppelin and Remix on Aribtrum Network: 0x88266f9eb705f5282a2507a9c418821a2ac9f8bd allowing staking of the following assets:
- Nutcoin (NUT) on Arbitrum: 0x8697841b82c71fcbd9e58c15f6de68cd1c63fd02
- Nuts (NUTS) on Arbitrum: 0xa844cb1b558625c8a6214d460f2fcfa599eb464a
- Nuts404 (NUTS404) on Arbitrum: 0x37b2f564971d3bf986dc9e46ec587f42b75bde76
- Wencash (WEN) on Arbitrum: 0x860ea9299e9c297fbde64143cab2a3cb01945a27
- Nutcash (NCASH) on Arbitrum: 0x88266f9eb705f5282a2507a9c418821a2ac9f8bd
More details in the following readme files:
- arbitrum-erc20-bridge/
- arbitrum-erc721-wormhole-bridge/
- airdrop/
- airdrop/uniswap-merkle-distributor-25a79e8/
NB: Staking implementation has been inspired from solidity contracts available in andreitoma8 Github Repository
NB2: NCASH has also been bridged as mere ERC-20 token to Ethereum network using Wormhole Protocol: 0xd105c45bcc7211f847ae73b187a41b7d8184ade2
Every 1 NUTS or 1 NUTS404 or 10B NUT or 1M WEN or 1k NCASH staked gives: ~1 NCASH / week
4 halving every ~4years (meaning that rewards will be divided by 2 every 4 year during the first 16 years of Nutcash deployment)
First MAX Yearly Issuance Simulation: ~Max 1st year - 2024 (approx. without compounding/burning): 52.14*(10k/1+21T/10B+100M/1M+10.5M/1k)= ~+1.18M / year
Last MAX Yearly Issuance Simulation: ~Max 16th year - 2040 (approx. without compounding/burning): 52.14*(1/2**4)*(10k/1+21T/10B+100M/1M+10.5M/1k)= 73.75k / year
When/if NCASH supply reaches 21M max supply, staking rewards are paused and resumed when/if supply decreases due to NCASH burning (NB: NCASH might never reach max supply of 21M if burning activity is high enough due to use cases built around NCASH, like burning fees granting access to dapps)