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NVIpjsr: Tools to facilitate working with PJS data


NVIpjsrtools for retrieving, standardising, wrangling, preparing and reporting PJS data and EOS data. NVIpjsr was created by separating out PJS-functions from NVIdb. Further development of and creation of new PJS-functions will take place within NVIpjsr.

NVIpjsr is part of NVIverse, a collection of R-packages with tools to facilitate data management and data reporting at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI). The NVIverse consists of the following packages: NVIconfig, NVIdb, NVIpjsr, NVIspatial, NVIpretty, NVIbatch, OKplan, OKcheck, NVIcheckmate, NVIpackager, NVIrpackages. See Contribute to NVIpjsr for more information.


NVIpjsr is available at GitHub. To install NVIpjsr you will need:

  • R version > 4.1.0
  • R package remotes
  • Rtools version 4.0, 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4 depending on R version

First install and attach the remotes package.


To install (or update) the NVIpjsr package without vignettes, run the following code:

    upgrade = FALSE,
    build = TRUE,
    build_vignettes = FALSE)

To install (or update) the NVIpjsr package with vignettes, you will need to first install some additional R-packages needed to build the vignettes. Check README below in the section Vignettes to see which vignettes are available. To install the package with the vignettes, first install the packages: knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, and NVIrpackages (from GitHub) if they are missing. If you don’t use R-studio, you will also need to install Pandoc. Then run the following code:

    upgrade = FALSE,
    build = TRUE,
    build_vignettes = TRUE)


The NVIpjsr package needs to be attached.


NVIpjsr tools for retrieving, standardising, wrangling, preparing and reporting PJS data and EOS data. NVIpjsr was created by separating out PJS-functions from NVIdb. Further development of and creation of new PJS-functions will take place within NVIpjsr.

Further documentation


The full list of all available functions and datasets can be accessed by typing

help(package = "NVIpjsr")

Consult the vignettes for task-oriented help.

vignette(package = "NVIpjsr")

Vignettes in package NVIpjsr:

  • Contribute to NVIpjsr (html)
  • NVIpjsr reference manual (pdf)
  • Retrieve and standardise PJS-data (html)

Please check the NEWS for information on new features, bug fixes and other changes.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2024 Norwegian Veterinary Institute.
Licensed under the BSD_3_clause License. See License for details.


Contributions to develop NVIpjsr is highly appreciated. There are several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a question, propose an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or contribute code. See Contribute to NVIpjsr for more information.

Please note that the NVIpjsr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.