Scientific paper: "Climate–ecosystem modelling made easy: The Land Sites Platform"
The NorESM-LSP software allows anyone to run simple, offline, single-site simulations with the demographic dynamic global vegetation model NorESM-CLM-FATES. Our aim is to improve access to this process-based modelling framework.
- Graphical User Interface: NorESMhub/noresm-lsp-ui
- Application Programming Interface: NorESMhub/ctsm-api
- Input data for integrated sites: NorESMhub/noresm-lsp-data
- (Input data preparation for legacy branch: NorESMhub/noresm-lsp-input)
Name | Description |
.github/ | contains issue templates and other functionalities for this reporitory |
docker/ | contains Dockerfiles for Jupyter and Panoply servers, and other files for containers |
docs/ | contains markdown files and images used for documentation and to build the webpage |
notebooks/ | contains jupyter notebooks for use in the Jupyter server (localhost:8888) |
resources/ | contains configuration files and overwrites for model files. In a locally installed clone, resources/ will also contain the model, cases, and data. |
.gitignore | specifies files that Git should ignore, i.e. that should not get pushed to this repository when developers make local changes. E.g. stops case data and files from flooding the repository when someone updates the documentation |
.zenodo.json | credit/citation instructions for Zenodo uploads. When we create a new release of this repo, it automatically creates a new version of the Zenodo record as well, using this file to set e.g. author information. If you contribute to the repo, add your name! |
CITATION.cff | used to create the Citation button in the Repository information to the right |
LICENSE | this repository's license, which is also used to create the License button in the Repository information to the right | | this file, in markdown syntax |
docker-compose.yaml | a YAML file that helps the docker-compose command by defining services, networks, and volumes for a Docker application |
mkdocs.yml | configuration file for the webpage, listing the names of separate pages and which files within docs/ it builds on | | a shell script that sets some user information necessary on Linux machines |
Quick first-time installation steps (see the webpage for the full user guide and documentation):
Clone the repo with the following command (especially important for Windows users):
git clone --config core.autocrlf=input
Then run the following from the project root:
docker-compose up
If you are on Linux, run
instead. This script takes care of the permissions of the mounted volumes.
After you see a message containing Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
in api
docker logs, you can access the API at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/docs
and the UI at http://localhost:8080
. You can access the Jupyter server at http://localhost:8888/lab
and Panoply through http://localhost:5800
you can run the following command to set the user and id in in a
in the project root:
echo "HOST_USER=$(whoami)\nHOST_UID=$(id -u)\nHOST_GID=$(id -g)" > .env
Doing this makes all the new files and folders created by the app to belong to your local user. Otherwise, all new objects will be owned by the