Find the Docker Compose based version on the DOCKERIZED-FINAL-fullstack-app branch.
The full-stack version of the TripPlanner API Web Application. A social network for people who love road trips. Built using the following stack: C# (.NET 5), Entity Framework (the ORM), JavaSript, ReactJS, and MS SQL Server, among others.
[frontend non-static/source codes' instructions are in the in its folder,but as long as no changes are made to the frontend sourcecode, you can just ignore building that because wwwroot contains a build (which is the latest as of writing this).]
(Here's the direct link to the subdirectory containing the frontend sourcode, in case needed.)
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- .NET SDK: You can download and install it from here.
- MS SQL Server (change connection string as needed).
- dotnet Entity Framework Core tools.
You will need to do this process on the first run, BUT, also after any changes to the Model.
dotnet ef migrations add *REPLACE_WITH_NAME_FOR_MIGRATION*
dotnet ef database update
dotnet build
dotnet run
If you have a different URL for the server, replace the base part of the URLs in the following before using them.
or the full url:
To make sure Admin account exists, send an empty HTTP Post request to the endpoint "/api/Account/ensure-Admin@101-created" (if it needs content type, try the JSON content type). I realize now after so long that there were better ways to handle default Admin account creation (and honestly, a lot of things) but I have improved on it and everything else in the WebAPIs I made afterwards.
Default Admin Username: Admin@101
Default Admin Password: Admin@101