Verify examples in your docs.
$ direnv allow
$ make install-exe
haskell-verify-examples will try to load the cradle automatically from the cwd to locate source files and project wide flags, so it should just work with cabal and stack projects.
module Test where
-- Below is a verified example
-- > testFunction 1 ==> 2
testFunction :: Int -> Int
testFunction = (+1)
Ok [(VerifiedExample (SrcSpan "/private/tmp/DocModule8657-23.hs" 4 1 4 26) ["testFunction 1 ==> 2"],ExampleVerifySuccess Verified)]
How about a failing example?
module Test where
-- Below is a verified example
-- > testFunction 1 ==> 3
testFunction :: Int -> Int
testFunction = (+1)
Ok [(VerifiedExample (SrcSpan "/private/tmp/DocModule8657-24.hs" 4 1 4 26) ["testFunction 1 ==> 3"],ExampleVerifySuccess (Unverified "2" "3"))]
You can also inquire about the value of an expression using ?
module Test where
-- ? testFunc 1
testFunc :: Int -> Int
testFunc = (+1)
Ok [(VerifiedExample (SrcSpan "/private/tmp/DocModule8657-25.hs" 3 1 3 16) ["evaluteExampleTodo (","testFunc 1",")"],ExampleVerifySuccess (HelpTodo "2"))]
Code blocks can be introduced using the '@' operator. These blocks are useful to demonstrate example usage.
module Test where
-- @
-- import Test
-- x :: Int
-- x = testFunc $ testFunc $ testFunc 0
-- @
-- > x ==> 3
testFunc :: Int -> Int
testFunc = (+1)
Ok [(VerifiedExample (SrcSpan "/private/tmp/DocModule8657-26.hs" 10 1 10 13) ["x ==> 3"],ExampleVerifySuccess Verified)]
$ direnv allow
$ make watch