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A mdBook preprocessor for building Discord Webcomponents

This project is build on top of skyra-project/discord-components

Work in progress

Test site:

Yaml parser example

\``` discord yaml
- username: Spen
  user_id: 696368083517964288 # This filed will only work on a proper mdbook-discord-components deployment
  color: "#b9a0e0"
  highight: true
  content: |

- username: Wiki Bot
  color: "#b9a0e0"
  bot: true
  verified: true
  ephemeral: true
  edited: true
  timestamp: Today at 00:00
    - emoji:
      name: ":heart:"
      count: 5
      interactive: true
      reacted: true
  roles: # Role map to properly color role mentions (RoleName: role_color)
    Blue: blue
    Red: red
  content: |
    Hello <@Spen> <@Blue> <#Channel>! Sent <t:8531 years ago>
    title: Test Embed
    color: red
    timestamp: 07/07/2023
    description: Hello embed!!
      text: Author
      - name: Test
        value: Hello
        inline: true
        inline_index: 1
      - name: Test 2
        value: aaa
        inline: true
        inline_index: 2
      text: Hiii
  - url:
  - url:
    width: 200
    height: 200
    alt: bigger
  components: # Component syntax is a bit funky for now
    - # This is an action row
      - type: success
        label: First row
      - type: success
        label: Second row
  - title: Test Embed 2
    timestamp: 07/07/2023
    description: Hello embed!!
      - name: Test
        value: Hello
        inline: true
        inline_index: 1
      - name: Test 2
        value: aaa
        inline: true
        inline_index: 2
      text: Hiii
  - title: Test Embed 3
    timestamp: 07/07/2023
    description: Hello embed!!
      - name: Test
        value: Hello
        inline: true
        inline_index: 1
      - name: Test 2
        value: aaa
        inline: true
        inline_index: 2
      text: Hiii
- type: join
  content: | # You can put html tags inside yaml strings
    Welcome, <i style="color: a155ab;">Snazzah</i>. We hope you brought pizza.
- username: Snazzah
    author: Spen
    mentions: true
    content: "!echo"
  content: No. <e:>
- username: Wiki Bot
    author: Big_O
    command: /test
  content: |
    Hello <!@Big_O>

Please look at the file for available fields.

YAML Model

1. System Message

Field Type Description
type SystemMessageType The type of the system message
channel_name? Boolean Whether this message is to show channel name changes, used to match Discord's style
timestamp? String Text that will show where the message timestamp is
content String The text of the system message

1.1. SystemMessageType

SystemMessageType is a String with the following valid values:

Value Description
alert System alert message
boost Server boost message
call Call message
edit Channel edit message
error System error message
join Server join message
leave Server leave message
missed_call Missed call message
pin Pin message
thread Thread message

2. Message

Field Type Description
user_id? Snowflake Author user ID. Works only with a proper deployment
username String The author username. Will overwrite data from user_id
avatar? String The author avatar url. Will overwrite data from user_id
color? String CSS valid color of the author username (analog to role color)
timestamp? String Text that will show where the message timestamp is
bot? Boolean Whatever the user is a bot. Will overwrite data from user_id
verified? Boolean Whatever the bot is verified
edited? Boolean If the message was edited
ephemeral? Boolean If the message is ephemeral
roles? String -> Color map Role color map used to properly color role mentions
embed? Embed A single embed element. If embeds is present, this will be the first embed show
embeds? Array of Embed Array of embed elements
reactions? Array of Reaction Array of reactions
attachments? Array of Attachment Array of image attachments
components? Array of ActionRow Array of action rows
invites? Array of Invite Array of invitations
reply? Reply Reply information
command? Command Slash command information
content? String The message content

3. Embed

Field Type Description
title? String Embed title text
url? String Embed title url
color? String CSS valid color of the embed
description? String Embed description text
image? String Image url
thumbnail? String Thumbnail url
author? Author Embed author data
fields? Array of Field Embed fields
footer? Footer Embed footer

3.1. Author

Field Type Description
text String Embed author text
image? String Author image url
url? String Embed author url

3.2. Field

Field Type Description
name String Field name
value String Field value
inline? Boolean If the field should be inline. Requires inline_index
inline_index? Integer The index of the field (position)

3.3. Footer

Field Type Description
text? String Footer text
image? String Footer image url
timestamp? String Footer timestamp. Must be in the following format 01/31/2000

4. Reaction

Field Type Description
emoji String Emoji image url
name? String The name of the reaction. Used as alternative text
count? Integer Reaction count. Must be positive
interactive? Boolean If the reaction should be interactive
reacted? Boolean Should the reaction show up as reacted

5. Attachment

Field Type Description
url String The image attachment url
width? Integer The width of the image
height? Integer The hight of the image
alt? String The alternative text of the image

6. ActionRow

ActionRow is an Array of Button


- username: Example
  content: This is an example of components
  components: # Component syntax is a bit funky for now
    - # This is an action row
      - type: success
        label: First row
      - type: success
        label: Second row

7. Button

Field Type Description
type ButtonType The type of the button
label String Button text
disabled? Boolean Whatever the button should be disabled
emoji? String Emoji image url
emmoji_name? String The name of the emoji
url? String The url of the button if used with the secondary type

7.1. ButtonType

ButtonType is a String with the following valid values:

Value Description
primary A blue button style
secondary A grey button style
success A green button style
destructive A red button style

8. Invite

Field Type Description
name String Invite server name
members Integer Server member count. Must be positive
online Integer Currently online member count. Must be positive
icon? String Server icon url
partnered? Boolean Is the server partnered
verified? Boolean Is the server verified

9. Reply

Field Type Description
content String Referenced message content
author? String Referenced message author username
user_id? Snowflake Referrenced message author ID. Will override author, avatar, and bot
avatar? String Referenced message author avatar url
bot? Boolean Whether the referenced message author is a bot
verified? Boolean Whether the referenced message author is a verified bot
mentions? Boolean Whether the reply should mention the referenced message author
op? Boolean Whether the referenced message author was the original poster in a thread
color? String Referenced message author role color
attachment? Boolean Whether the referenced message contains attachments
edited? Boolean Whether the referenced message was edited
command? Bollean Whether the referenced message was a response to a slash command

10. Command

Field Type Description
command String The invoked slash command name
author? String The user who executed the slash command
user_id? Snowflake Executing user ID. Will override author, and avatar
avatar? String Executing user avatar url
color? String Executing user role color