Extra FCS features and damage for Arma 3
This module adds some new scripted features for use with armoured vehicles.
- Commander's Override
The vehicle commander can use the action menu to automatically traverse the gun onto a target object, temporarily overriding the gunner's control.
- FCS Damage
When hit by high-calibre weapons, the vehicle has a chance to suffer an FCS failure. This disables the commander's override, the gunner's laser rangefinder, and all vehicle NV equipment.
A player with the Engineer trait can repair the FCS from the gunner's seat.
- Driver's Brake Release
The driver can disable the automatic brakes, allowing the vehicle to roll freely at low speeds and under physics input.
On every client (e.g. initPlayerLocal.sqf) use [_vehicle] call njt_fnc_fcs_init;
_fcsvehicles = vehicles select {typeOf _x in ["I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F","I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F"]};
{[_x] call njt_fnc_fcs_init} forEach _fcsvehicles;