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Create a pull request

Florian Merle edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 4 revisions

The development of a new feature, a fix or anything else is done, the developer creates a pull request to merge (or not) his development on develop.

The pull request is create on this page and it is recommanded to use the default template.

For all pull requests there are many rules to respect :

  • Title must be like : IssueId - objective (ex : 2 - Updated something)
  • In the description a link of the related issue is required
  • Each branch in a pull request must follow the rules describe on this page

After a PR

Once the PR is done, you can delete a branch simply with the command branch -D Example:

$ git branch -D feature/12/something

After that, use the command git remote prune origin in order to remove all unreachable object from the Git object DB, in short your branch won't show again when autocompleting something.

Pull request for release

  • List all implemented developments in the release.
  • Add a link to the milestone related to the release
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