Danh Nguyen | Site
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- Updating Marketo Engage application to use next generation React and Redux components, utilizing Adobe React Spectrum UI library and internal components
- Improving unit test pipeline utilizing Selenium and Jest
- Practicing TDD with react-testing-library unit tests for components implemented
- Utilizing TypeScript, React Context for complex component, and Redux for global state management
- Independently architected and implemented automated vanity URL generation based off parsing and processing Excel workbooks from stakeholders. Utilized AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, and API Gateway for serverless solution. Quickly adapted to using Flask server for final service design.
- Quickly learned necessary ClojureScript to implement e-commerce demographics module for web codebase, porting validation logic used in current shopping site codebase.
- Identified and resolved bugs for major codebase production releases.
- Implemented Clojure service for plan benefits and vanity URL internal tool, migrated vanity URL handler to Clojure web codebase for decommissioning of previous codebase, and introduced automated E2E Cypress.js testing to QA team. Utilized GitLab for deployment pipelines.
- Ported subsidy calculation logic from Java to current Clojure web service codebase.
- Fulfilled developer tasks for React and Redux insurance plan shopping app during weekly sprints.
- Implemented Salesforce endpoint in Java backend Spring client to connect with products Apex endpoint through SOAP protocol. Pushed changes to Jenkins and resolved defects from UAT. Utilized SOQL for document retrieval. Successfully converted pages with static content to components dynamically pulling content from Salesforce database.
- Extensively researched and implemented CAPTCHA protection for on-prem ePO. Resolved bugs and wrote JUnit tests for CAPTCHA and audit log functionality.
- Implemented data loader to migrate SQL data to AWS Aurora instance. Utilized AWS resources including EC2, API Gateway, and Lambda functions.