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NginProject edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 1 revision


The main Ngin client is called ngind. Ngind is a multipurpose command line tool that runs a full Ngin node. It offers three interfaces:

Platforms: Supported Platforms are Linux and Windows. In order to install Ngind, please visit our Releases Page. Please consider reviewing our Disclaimer Notice before use.

License: The Ngin Core Protocol licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0. All frontend client software (under cmd) is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

By installing and running ngind, you can take part in the Ngin live network and

  • mine ngin cashes
  • transfer funds between addresses
  • create contracts and send transactions
  • explore block history
  • and much, much more

Basic Use Case Documentation

Install dependencies and build

Building and testing ngind requires both Go >=1.11 and a C compiler.

Installing Go Wiki page

Get set up:

# Go get it! (get it? ;-)
go get

# Install binary 'ngind' to $GOPATH/bin:
# Note: You can run this command from $cwd.
# Note: Ensure $GOPATH/bin is added to your $PATH.
go install
# Or, install all executables, including ngind:
go install

# check it out!
ngind --help


See the Testing Wiki page for information on unit, integration, and external tests.


Ngind outputs stderr to the console. Output from the console can be logged or redirected:

ngind 2>>ngind.log

Additionally, you may can use --log-dir=PATH to specify a directly in which ngind will write it's logs to a timestamped file.

You can also use ngind attach to begin a Javascript console session with an already-running instance of ngind; just use a second terminal.


Issues and Support

Please browse our FAQ Wiki page to see if there's already an answer to your question. If there isn't, please file an issue or get in touch with us on Discord


Security issues are best to PM with devs on one of the Discord channels.

Non-sensitive bug reports are welcome on Github. Please always state the version (on master) or commit of your build (if on develop), give as much detail as possible about the situation and the anomaly that occurred. Provide logs or stacktrace if you can.