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DNDocs is a free online documentation platform for .NET Core projects


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Welcome on DNDocs!


What is DNDocs?

DNDocs (Dot Net Docs) is a free documentation hosting platform for .NET projects

Problem: Host .NET API Documentation

There is not effortless way to create and host API documentation for .NET Core projects. Current tools requires to integrate with build and publishing process to maintain docs up-to-date

Solution: DNDocs

Insert following markdown into file:

[![Static Badge](]({NugetPackageName}/{NugetPackageVersion})

For example:

[![Static Badge](](

Or create account:

  1. Open and signin with Github account
  2. Create a project with Nuget Package Name
  3. Click save button

Docfx API explorer is hosted online.

When I should use DNDocs?

You don't have any API Explorer for Your .NET project and want to host it in one minute -> use DNDocs


Looking on github C# repositories lots of them did not have any documentation online. To take a look on basic project structure and what methods are exposed we needed to open open each .cs file just to simply look what functions and methods are there. Also there was not any website that allows to just simply generate and host documentation for .NET Core project online.

Share with URL

Url to documentation can be shared in any form, for example:

  1. Put dndocs API Explorer URL to github project README
  2. Generate badge with Project API Explorer, for example: Static Badge (look below in this document for ' badge informations' to see how to generate exactly same badge)
  3. Or anything other

If You have a small or medium size .NET Core project - try DNdocs!
DNdocs can be used as a default project documentation or temporary documentation for projects that does not have any documentation yet.
Only thing needed is nuget package name.

Adventages of using DNDocs:

  • DNDocs generates sitemap.xml
  • Very easy configuration - only nuget package needed
  • No need to maintain code for documents generation and publishing
  • Automatic rebuild MD docs from github
  • Automatic rebuild Nuget Pakcages to latests
  • No actions needed after creating docs - all upgrades are autmated
  • Supports multiple Docfx templates (darkfx, discordfx, docfx-minimal-main, material, unit)
  • Basic Versioning support

Create Documentation from Pull Request

To host API explorer without registering on dndocs, please create a new pull request.

  1. Edit '' file and add a new row in the table
  2. In commit message please add following informations:
Project Name: project_name
DNDocs Url Prefix: url_prefix
Github Url: github_url
Description: description
Nuget Package Name: package_name (Install-Package 'package_name')
(if project does not have nuget package please add link to binary files like line below)
Dll Xml files: <url to .dll and .xml files)

For Example:

Project Name: Arctium Crypto Library
DNDocs Url Prefix: arctium
Github Url:
Description: Arctium is a simple crypto library. It provides various cryptographic functions, ciphers, connection protocols
Nuget Package Name: Arctium.Shared badge informations:
Badge on can be generated with any parameters
but as an example above I generated badge with following parameters:
badgeContent: API Docs-DNDocs-190088
logo: readme
logoColor: white
Ready to copy-paste markdown badge (only replace 'WWWdndocsCOM/API_EXPLORER_LINK' with valid url):

[![Static Badge](](WWWdndocsCOM/API_EXPLORER_LINK)

Report Bugs

If You find any bugs or unexpected behaviour please report this in 'issues' tab in this repository

Projects list:

Name Robinia Url Github
GoogleSheetsWrapper DNDocs - GoogleSheetsWrapper Github
RiotBlossom DNDocs - RiotBlossom Github
AAXClean DNDocs - AAXClean Github
ZeroQL DNDocs - ZeroQL Github
AsyncFlow DNDocs - AsyncFlow Github
SQLite-DNA DNDocs - SQLite-DNA Github
ArrayExtensions DNDocs - ArrayExtensions Github
RepetierSharp DNDocs - RepetierSharp Github
Mapster DNDocs - Mapster Github
EventFlow DNDocs - EventFlow Github
Respawn DNDocs - Respawn Github
Betalgo.OpenAI DNDocs - Betalgo.OpenAI Github
NSubstitute DNDocs - NSubstitute Github
ZXing.Net DNDocs - ZXing.Net Github
Marten DNDocs - Marten Github
Octokit DNDocs - Octokit Github
FluentScheduler DNDocs - FluentScheduler Github
EasyNetQ DNDocs - EasyNetQ Github
MiniProfiler DNDocs - MiniProfiler Github
TMDbLib DNDocs - TMDbLib Github
PdfSharpCore DNDocs - PdfSharpCore Github
MediaToolkit DNDocs - MediaToolkit Github
DistributedLock DNDocs - DistributedLock Github
Websocket.Client DNDocs - Websocket.Client Github
DotNetCorePlugins DNDocs - DotNetCorePlugins Github
NBitcoin DNDocs - NBitcoin Github
EasyHttp DNDocs - EasyHttp Github
Arctium DNDocs - Arctium Github
CacheCow.Client DNDocs - CacheCow.Client Github
XunitXml.TestLogger DNDocs - XunitXml.TestLogger Github
Dapper.FastCrud DNDocs - Dapper.FastCrud Github
YoutubeExplode DNDocs - YoutubeExplode Github
Foundatio DNDocs - Foundatio Github
DynamicExpresso DNDocs - DynamicExpresso Github
CdekSdk DNDocs - CdekSdk Github
restub DNDocs - restub Github
FFMpegCore DNDocs - FFMpegCore Github
SpotifyAPI-NET DNDocs - SpotifyAPI-NET Github
MemoryPack DNDocs - MemoryPack Github
sharpcompress DNDocs - sharpcompress Github
Sprache DNDocs - Sprache Github
ComputeSharp DNDocs - ComputeSharp Github
FluentFTP DNDocs - FluentFTP Github
netmq DNDocs - netmq Github
querybuilder DNDocs - querybuilder Github
MiniExcel DNDocs - MiniExcel Github
Cocona DNDocs - Cocona Github
Throw DNDocs - Throw Github
Fluxor DNDocs - Fluxor Github
ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache DNDocs - ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache Github
IPNetwork DNDocs - IPNetwork Github
OpenAI DNDocs - OpenAI Github
NetDevPack.Security.Jwt DNDocs - NetDevPack.Security.Jwt Github
MagickNET DNDocs - MagickNET Github
MediatR.Behaviors.Authorization DNDocs - MediatR.Behaviors.Authorization Github
Indice.AspNet DNDocs - Indice.AspNet Github
JsonMasking DNDocs - JsonMasking Github
DropNet DNDocs - DropNet Github
Typin DNDocs - Typin Github
WTelegramClient DNDocs - WTelegramClient Github
SmtpServer DNDocs - SmtpServer Github
CodingSeb.ExpressionEvaluator DNDocs - CodingSeb.ExpressionEvaluator Github
Mixbox DNDocs - Mixbox Github
RobiniaDocs DNDocs - RobiniaDocs Github
Arctium.Standards DNDocs - Arctium.Standards Github
Arctium.Cryptography DNDocs - Arctium.Cryptography Github
Arctium.Shared DNDocs - Arctium.Shared Github
FileHelpers DNDocs - FileHelpers Github
FsPickler DNDocs - FsPickler Github
ObjectDumper.NET DNDocs - ObjectDumper.NET Github
LiquidState DNDocs - LiquidState Github
Stateless DNDocs - Stateless Github
protobuf-net DNDocs - protobuf-net Github
Ceras DNDocs - Ceras Github
SharpPcap DNDocs - SharpPcap Github
NetCoreServer DNDocs - NetCoreServer Github
Colourful DNDocs - Colourful Github
NGraphics DNDocs - NGraphics Github
RestEase DNDocs - RestEase Github
Refit DNDocs - Refit Github
RestSharp DNDocs - RestSharp Github
Http.fs DNDocs - Http.fs Github
Tiny.RestClient DNDocs - Tiny.RestClient Github
AgileObjects.AgileMapper DNDocs - AgileObjects.AgileMapper Github
TinyMapper DNDocs - TinyMapper Github
NAudio DNDocs - NAudio Github
CSCore DNDocs - CSCore Github
Vim.Math3D DNDocs - Vim.Math3D Github
Rationals DNDocs - Rationals Github
MimeKit DNDocs - MimeKit Github
PreMailer.Net DNDocs - PreMailer.Net Github
Markdig DNDocs - Markdig Github
Stashbox DNDocs - Stashbox Github
LightInject DNDocs - LightInject Github
Spring.Core DNDocs - Spring.Core Github
Ninject DNDocs - Ninject Github
StringDB DNDocs - StringDB Github
SliccDB DNDocs - SliccDB Github
Akade.IndexedSet DNDocs - Akade.IndexedSet Github
Towel DNDocs - Towel Github
Guard.Net DNDocs - Guard.Net Github
Arctium - .NET Core crypto library dndocs - Arctium - .NET Core crypto library Github
Arctium.Shared dndocs - Arctium.Shared Github
Arctium.Cryptography dndocs - Arctium.Cryptography Github
Arctium.Standards dndocs - Arctium.Standards Github