A data model for Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) data.
Also contains an async client for fetching data from the Trafiklab API.
Install using pip install -U trafiklab-sl
To install the package for development, clone the repository and run:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[dev,test]'
The client is based on the aiohttp
library and is async. It is used to fetch data from the Trafiklab API.
The library supports two SL APIs:
- SL Deviatons API
- SL Transport API - just "Departures from Site" and "Sites" for now
More APIs will be added in the future.
Here is an example of how to use the client to get upcoming train departures at Stockholm Central (site Id 1002).
import asyncio
from tsl.clients.transport import TransportClient
from tsl.models.common import TransportMode
async def main():
client = TransportClient()
reponse = await client.get_site_departures(1002, transport=TransportMode.TRAIN)
print("Upcoming trains at Stockholm Central:")
for departure in sorted(reponse.departures, key=lambda d: d.expected):
f"[{departure.line.designation}] platform {departure.stop_point.designation}"
f" to {departure.destination} ({departure.display})"
Both bug reports and pull requests are appreciated.