Erasure Coding Performance Testing in Apache Hadoop 3 HDFS
Test environment: Hadoop3
Test and evaluate erasure coding
- get familiar with the Ereasure Code (EC) concept
- enable the feature on hadoop3
- perform basic writing and reading test - storing 10GB file with/without EC - single threaded
- Try different codecs: New Java coder, RS, ISA-L and their configurations RS(6,3), RS(10,4) etc.
- run TPCDS benchmark test on EC encoded data and compare the results with the one without EC
- recovery speed of a single and double machine failures (comparing to traditional replication)
- measure a single threaded reading speed when files are under single or double failure recovery
- generate a lot of small files (100M) and store them with EC - measure the impact of the number of blocks on the datanode GC reporting and read and write speed etc.
Evaluate triple namenode HA
- Install and add 3rd namenode to hadoop3
- Run through a few failure scenarios when two namenodes are going down
YARN Docker containers
- reconfigure YARN to run on docker instead of on LinuxContainers
- submit a basic docker image to yarn (could be even our client image), or some app like Zepplin etc.
- create a docker image for NXCALS (with their software) and submit a spark job to read the NXCALS data with all dependencies encapsulated in such docker
Evaluate HDFS router-based federation
Open spark-shell:
spark-shell --conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory --conf --master yarn --num-executors 84 --driver-memory 16g --executor-memory 48g --executor-cores 4 --driver-cores 4 --jars /tmp/nseidan/spark-sql-perf/target/scala-2.11/spark-sql-perf_2.11-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Generate TPC-DS dataset of 1TB:
val tables = new com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.tpcds.TPCDSTables(spark.sqlContext, "/tmp/nseidan/tpcds-kit/tools", "1000")
Use json format and apply genData() function:
tables.genData("/user/nseidan/1tb-json-rs-6-3", "json", true, true, true, false, "", 100)