- Overview
- Installation
- Future Work
This is a dynamic web application hosted on Apache Tomcat Server (version 9.0). This is a project for Application Development course in my university. The system enables user to create online resume by filling in the form and enables the user to download one-page CV to local machine
I used a few tools: Apache Tomcat Server (v9.0), MySQL Connector (8.0.12), jQuery (1.7), jsPDF API (https://parall.ax/products/jspdf).
git clone https://github.com/NazerkeBS/cv-maker.git
download the server (v9.0) to your local machine https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi
you need Eclipse Java EE IDE in order to be able to create a new server; https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/kepler/sr2/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers
create a new server in the eclipse ide and browse to the dowloaded apache server(v9.0) path
create a new JSP page in eclipse ide
download MySQL Connector jar file (8.0.12) and put this file into WEB-INF/lib
go to MySQL workbench and create a new connection, name can be anything. Mine: username: tanulo, password: asd123
create a new table which has username and password fields in MySQL, call it Users
download jQuery (1.7)
start the server and run the index.jsp page in any browser
Since this CV in pdf is in one-page format, user cannot create two-page resume as well as uploading an image is mandatory.