A collection of papers on comparison of long and/or short read sequencing technologies (and data generated from the platforms).
Sequencing | Technologies | For | The | Win |
2025 | 2024 | 2022-2023, 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
- Hi-C, chromosome conformation capture
- ONT, Oxford Nanopore Technology
- PacBio, Pacific Biosciences
- SMRT, Single-Molecule Real-Time
- CLR, Continuous Long Read
- CCS, Circular Consensus Sequencing
- Hi-Fi, High-Fidelity
- 📚 Review/Opinion Article
- 🧬 Study involves human genome(s)
- 🦠 Prokaryotic genome(s)
- 🌱 Plant genome(s)
- 💉 Focused towards medical genetics
- 🛠 Includes tool/software development
Contribute by submitting pull requests, or posting suggestions as issues. Thank you.
Title: Genome-wide profiling of highly similar paralogous genes using HiFi sequencing
Title: A graph clustering algorithm for detection and genotyping of structural variants from long reads
Contribute by submitting pull requests, or posting suggestions as issues. Thank you.