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A Giter8 Play Java Presto Seed

About Template

A tutorial Seed for Play Application with Play 2.5(Java) and Presto

Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.

The seed application connects Play Application with Presto using JDBC

The seed will allow user to connect to Presto, and the play application can query on big data. The scope of the application can be further extended for using other data bases as sources and allowing presto to query on these databases. This seed can be starting point to develop a big data application with Play Framework

Setting up the template Follow the steps below to use this seed as the starting point for the Play application with Presto

Please ensure that the Presto Server is Running Start the application Provide with the following form details: Catalog Name, Database and Table Press the Submit Button For more details on setting up the Presto : Please visit <"">

Template license

Written in by [other author/contributor lines as appropriate]

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See