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Meditations and Stories

MediStory - App consuming a local storage to display meditations and stories it has been built with clean architecture principles, Repository Pattern, and MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components.

App features:

  • Login Screen
  • Home Screen with Meditations and Stories






Uses concepts of the notorious Uncle Bob's architecture called Clean Architecture.

  • Better separation of concerns. Each module has a clear API., Feature related classes life in different modules and can't be referenced without explicit module dependency.
  • Features can be developed in parallel eg. by different teams
  • Each feature can be developed in isolation, independently from other features
  • faster compile time


  • app - It uses all the components and classes related to Android Framework. It gets the data from presentation layer and shows on UI. (access all the modules)
  • data - The data layer implements the repository interface that the domain layer defines. This layer provide a single source of truth for data. (Kotlin module that can only access domain module)
  • remote - Handles data interacting with the network. (can only access data module)
  • cache - Handles data interacting with the local storing (Room DB). (can only access data module)
  • domain - The domain layer contains the UseCases that encapsulate a single and very specific task that can be performed. This task is part of the business logic of the application. (Kotlin module that cannot access any other module)
  • presentation - MVVM with ViewModels listening States that the UI consume. The ViewModel does not know anything about it's consumers. (Android module that can only access domain module)

Tech stack - Library:

  • Kotlin
  • Coroutines - A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously
  • Flow - Flow is used to pass (send) a stream of data that can be computed asynchronously
  • Dagger-Hilt - for dependency injection.
  • Kotlin-DSL - Used to handle gradle dependencies and config versions
  • JetPack
    • LiveData - For reactive style programming (from VM to UI).
    • Lifecycle - Used get lifecyle event of an activity or fragment and performs some action in response to change
    • ViewModel - Stores UI-related data that isn't destroyed on UI changes.
    • Room - Used to create room db and store the data.
    • Navigation - Used to navigate between fragments
    • Data Binding - Used to bind UI components in your XML layouts.
    • Material-Components - Material design components like ripple animation, cardView.
    • Retrofit - Used for REST api communication.
    • OkHttp - HTTP client that's efficient by default: HTTP/2 support allows all requests to the same host to share a socket
    • Moshi - Used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation and vice versa.
    • Timber - Used for logging.
    • Glide - Glide is a fast and efficient image loading library for Android


  • Unit test
  • Jacoco for test coverage
  • Ktlint or Detekt

Reference repository

This repository code is mostly inspired by Android-Clean-Architecture-Boilerplate.


Please feel free to file an issue for errors, suggestions or feature requests.


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