Can you beat a network at quantum mechanics ?
This the (atm) the backend of thr project. It allows to use RBF-NN to solve 1D quantum problems and also give tools to process the solution drawned by the users
import torch
import numpy as np
from quantumdraw.sampler.metropolis import Metropolis
from quantumdraw.wavefunction.user_wave_function import UserWaveFunction
from quantumdraw.solver.user_solver import UserSolver
from quantumdraw.solver.plot_utils import plot_wf_1d
def pot_func(pos):
'''Potential function desired.'''
return 0.5*pos**2
def gen_pts(pos):
'''Small function that simulate the users'''
return torch.exp(-0.5*pos**2) + 2*torch.exp(-0.75*(pos-2.)**2)
# box
domain, ncenter = {'xmin':-5.,'xmax':5.}, 11
# create the x,y pts that users "draw"
# should be replaced by the real drawing
xpts = torch.tensor(np.sort(np.random.rand(25)*10-5))
ypts = gen_pts(xpts).detach().numpy()
xpts = xpts.detach().numpy()
#user wave function
uwf = UserWaveFunction(pot_func,domain,xpts=xpts,ypts=ypts)
sampler = Metropolis(nwalkers=100, nstep=100,
step_size = 0.5, domain = domain)
# solver
usolver = UserSolver(wf=uwf,sampler=sampler)
#example of what the UI could look like
# get the energy/variance of the user wave function
pos,e,v = usolver.single_point()
# get the score of the user
score = usolver.get_score()
import torch
from torch import optim
import numpy as np
from quantumdraw.sampler.metropolis import Metropolis
from quantumdraw.wavefunction.neural_wave_function import NeuralWaveFunction
from quantumdraw.solver.neural_solver import NeuralSolver
from quantumdraw.solver.plot_utils import plot_results_1d, plotter1d
sampler = Metropolis(nwalkers=1000, nstep=2000,
step_size = 0.5, domain = domain)
# wavefunction
wf = NeuralWaveFunction(pot_func,domain,ncenter,fcinit='random',sigma=0.5)
# optimizer
opt = optim.Adam(wf.parameters(),lr=0.05)
# scheduler
scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(opt,step_size=100,gamma=0.75)
# define solver
solver = NeuralSolver(wf=wf,sampler=sampler,optimizer=opt,scheduler=scheduler)
# train the wave function
plotter = plotter1d(wf,domain,100,sol=ho1d_sol),loss = 'variance', plot = plotter,save='model.pth' )
# plot the final wave function
Use python 3.7 virtual env
pip install numpy cython
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
python quantumdraw/server/
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