Contains Jupyter notebook workflows which access climate data from various OSDF origins using PelicanFS. The examples include workflows where computations are executed on various platforms like NCAR's Casper, TACC's Stampede3 and cloud computing platforms like Jetstream2.
- Access CESM2 LENS data from the AWS opendata origin and the NCAR data origin and
- a) Benchmark data access speeds for subsets of various sizes.
- b) Bias-correct surface temperature using ERA5 reanalysis.
- c) Compute surface ocean heat content.
- Access NOAA SONAR data from the AWS origin to plot echograms
- Benchmark data access speeds from the NCAR data origin using the DART reanalysis dataset
- Benchmark data access speeds from the NCAR's data origin, when the data is accessed from the OSPool's access point AP40
- Run temperature bias-correction workflow on
- a) Stampede3
- b) NCAR's Casper
- Compute climatological average of daily temperature data using the geocat-comp package