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Perry Bhandal edited this page Jun 1, 2015 · 6 revisions

NTRTSim V1.0.0 (beta):

We are working hard on rolling out this initial release by June 6th, 2014.

NTRTSim V1.0.1 (alpha):

There are many things we already know that we would like to improve, including:

  • Splitting the models and controllers directory out to a separate repo.
  • Improve the softbody modeling so that strings interact with the environment correctly. (in progress)
  • Give motors inertia so they can be dynamically simulated (integrate w/ Gazebo?)
  • proper data logging utility
  • xml, or similar, declaration of new structures (useful for Machine Learning over structures).
  • unit test framework (gtest?)
  • integration test framework
  • Additional documentation

Requirements Generation for 1.2/1.3

We're gathering requirements for upcoming versions in the following Google Doc:

It's not yet known whether the changes listed in 1.3 will end occurring as they require breaking backwards compatibility. There is an ongoing dev list discussion about it. If you would like to be included in the discussion and are not on the dev list, please e-mail [email protected] .

(Note: the Google doc above only permits commenting. If you're a dev and would like edit access, please e-mail [email protected] as well!)