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This repo contains our simulator and prototype code of BitSense. Specifically,

  • simulator/ contains a trace-driven simulator we built to integrate various sketching algorithms with BitSense.
  • testbed/ contains BitSense data plane prototype written in $\mathrm{P4}_{16}$ (see here) that can be compiled and loaded onto Tofino switches.

We are willing to hear your feedback. Please let us know if you'd like to contribute to BitSense applications. If you have further questions and suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Part I: Simulator Programs


Simulator programs include the following directories.

  • bin/ contains executable files after compilation
  • build/ contains intermediate objects generated by CMake and Make
  • config/ contains configuration files for BitSense and the integrated sketch algorithms
  • data/ contains a truncated trace parsed from CAIDA
  • src/ contains BitSense source code
  • test/ contains BitSense testing code
  • third_party/ contains third-party code as git submodules

Install Dependencies

We require the following dependencies to run BitSense simulator programs on Linux or Mac.

Dependency Installation (on Linux) Installation (on Mac)
Cmake (>=3.20) sudo apt-get install cmake -y brew install cmake
boost (>=1.75) sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev -y brew install boost
libpcap (>=1.9) sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev -y brew install libpcap
PcapPlusPlus (>=21.05) Method 1. Build from source using its default configuration and installation directory
Method 2. brew install pcapplusplus
brew install pcapplusplus

Simulator programs also make use of three third-party libraries, namely eigen, fmt, and tomlplusplus. They are maintained as git submodules. Hence, don't forget to clone them with git submodule update --init. Besides, make sure your C++ compiler supports C++17 and the python interpreter version is at least 3.7 to enable essential library features.

Build the Simulator

The following shell script builds the simulator. As long as the dependencies are correctly installed, the script should run successfully.

mkdir -p simulator/build && cd simulator/build
cmake ..

To ensure each simulator module is built successfully, you can run ctest in the simulator/build directory. You should see the following line in the testing output.

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 8

After executing the script, you should see a number of executable files in the bin/ directory. Each of them implements a sketch framework indicated by its name. Note that a file named as BS_XXX implements the BitSense version of the sketch XXX. For example, CM implements the original Count-Min sketch, while BS_CM implements the BitSense version of Count-Min sketch. The following table lists the command of running sketch frameworks in the simulator/bin directory.

Command Meaning Command Meaning
./CM Run Count-Min sketch ./BS_CM Run BitSense + Count-Min sketch
./CS Run Count sketch ./BS_CS Run BitSense + Count sketch
./ES Run Elastic sketch ./BS_ES Run BitSense + Elastic sketch
./FR Run Flow Radar ./BS_FR Run BitSense + Flow Radar
./NS Run NitroSketch ./BS_NS Run BitSense + NitroSketch
./NZE Run Nearly-zero-error sketch ./BS_NZE Run BitSense + Nearly-zero-error sketch
./PR Run PR sketch ./BS_PR Run BitSense + PR sketch
./UM Run UnivMon ./BS_UM Run BitSense + UnivMon

The above command will read the default runtime configuration (which is in simulator/config/sketch_config.toml). If you want to specify a new configuration, run with ./XXX -c [path_to_config_file] instead.

You may encounter an error FATAL| Failed to open record file ../data/records.bin. @data.h:769 at the first run. This is because the default data stream is simulator/data/records.bin, but the file nonexists. We provide a sample stream down-sampled and parsed from a truncated CAIDA trace (much smaller than the trace used in the paper). Its compressed version is provided as in simulator/data. Please do not forget to decompress this file.

Sketch Configuration

Each sketch framework needs a number of configuration parameters to run, e.g., height, width, and input data stream. The default config file (i.e., simulator/config/sketch_config.toml) has already specified a sample configuration for each sketch. Note that the configuration of a sketch named XXX is listed in the table named [XXX] in the config file. Table [XXX] contains four subtables, each holding a number of parameters as follows.

Subtable Description Example Meaning of the Example
[XXX.para] Sketch-specific configuration [CM.para]
depth = 3
width = 10000
Configure a Count-Min sketch with 3 rows and 10,000 counters in each row
[] Input-related configuration []
data = "../data/records.bin"
Read the input data stream from the file ../data/records.bin
[XXX.test] Output-related configuration [CM.test]
query = ["ARE", "AAE"]
Output the values of two metrics, namely ARE and AAE, after querying per-flow size
[] BitSense-related configuration []
cnt_no_ratio = 0.1435
width_cnt = [8, 16]
no_hash = [3]
Set the BitSense compression ratio to 0.1435, the width of counters on Layer 0 (and 1) as 8 bits (and 16 bits), and the number of hash function as 3

Input Data

BitSense uses a more succinct representation of streaming packets than PCAP files as input, which only stores the flowkey, captured timestamp, and packet length of each packet and strips off payloads and unrelated metadata. This customized representation has an extension name as the .bin file.

To obtain such a representation, we provide a parser that turns .pcap files into .bin files with user-defined rules in simulation/src/pcap_parser. After successfully building the simulator, it is compiled into an executable called parser in the simulator/bin directory. In fact, the default data stream in simulator/data is pre-parsed from a CAIDA trace using this parser. You are welcome to use parser to generate new input files from your own PCAP files. An example usage of parser is as follows, where the parser config should follow the -c option, and -v prints verbose message (in this case, file summary).

> ./parser -c ../config/parser.toml -v
   INFO| Loading config from ../config/parser.toml... @utils.cpp:62
VERBOSE| Config loaded. @utils.cpp:76
File summary:
   File name: ../data/data-1000K.pcap
   File size: 1542089364 bytes
   Link layer type: Raw IP (12)

Finished. Printed 25146019 packets (998958 flows)

Now we introduce how to specify user-defined rules to parser. You may skip this part if you simply want to run the simulator up, since there is already a usable input stream in this repo. All tunable settings of the parser are in the config file parser.toml under simulator/config, where you can find detailed captions of each setting. Here we only provide an overview in the following table.

Function Associated Setting(s) Valid Value Types
Stream truncation flow_count & packet_count Integer
Packet filtration filter Classic BPF expression
Input / Output input & output File path
Output mode mode bin, pcap, and more (See below)
Record Format format See below

Output mode controls the intended file type. bin is for BitSense to read at runtime. pcap produces another PCAP file (e.g., with some unwanted packets removed). txt is for human read only, and should NOT be specified on large PCAP files to avoid massive outputs. null indicates no output.

Record format defines the byte-level layout of each record representing a captured packet. It specifies which fields are in a record, their lengths, and order. An example record format runs as follows.

format = [["flowkey", "padding", "timestamp", "length", "padding"],
          [13,        3,         8,           2,        6]]

It says that each record in the output has $13+3+8+2+6=32$ bytes, with the first 13 bytes being the flowkey, then following a 3-byte padding and so on. There are four distinct fields, with their name, valid length, and further constraints documented in the following table.

Field Name Valid Length Further Constraints
flowkey 4, 8, 13 Specify exactly once
timestamp 1, 2, 4, 8 In microseconds. Specify at most once
length 1, 2, 4, 8 Specify at most once
padding > 0 None

Make sure the record format you specified to parser when generating the .bin file is the same as the format you specified to BitSense in the [] subtable of each sketch framework. The provided config files of the parser and all the sketches use the example record format above.

Result Screenshots

We show the output format of BitSense simulator programs in this part using CM and BS_CM. All other sketch frameworks have a similar output format. To display more statistics, you can add them to the [XXX.test] subtable in the config file.

CM output

BS CM output

Result Reproduction

To facilitate reproducing the results, we make some sketch configurations available (in simulator/config/PerFlowMeas) and provide two handy shell scripts ( & in simulator/bin) to run experiments. Below we will introduce the details.

These configurations and scripts run Exp #1, i.e., per-flow measurement, in the paper. Recall that in Exp #1, we quantify how BitSense improves measurement accuracy using two metrics, namely flow ratio (FR) and average relative error (ARE) given different memory budgets. We test six frameworks, namely ES, FR, NS, NZE, PR, and UM. Each framework has a raw implementation (i.e., without BitSense) and an optimized version (i.e., with BitSense), so there are $6\times2=12$ implementations in total. For each implementation, we evaluate these metrics on eight memory budgets ranging from 0.125 MB to 1 MB, so there are $12\times8=96$ sketch instances to run. The only difference from the Exp #1 in the paper lies in the input stream, where here we use the default records.bin that is down-sampled and parsed from a truncated CAIDA trace. This input contains $1\times10^5$ distinct flows and $1.09\times10^6$ packets, pretty close to the number of flows and packets in one epoch of the original multi-epoch CAIDA trace. Hence, the reproduced results should be close to those in the paper, although there can be some nuance.

To run any one of the $96$ sketch instances, goto simulation/bin, run with the specified parameters as follows.

> ./ -h
OVERVIEW: Run per-flow measurement

USAGE: ./ -m mem-size -s sketch-name [-v|-h]

  m     Specify the memory budget (0.125m|0.25m|0.375m|0.5m|0.625m|0.75m|0.875m|1m)
  s     Specify the sketch framework (ES|FR|NS|NZE|PR|UM|BS_ES|BS_FR|BS_NS|BS_NZE|BS_PR|BS_UM)
  v     Verbose mode
  h     Print this help message

As the helper message suggests, you must specify one of the eight memory budgets after the -m option and one of the twelve implementations after the -s option. The script will read the corresponding configuration from simulator/config/PerFlowMeas and display measurement results. An example is as follows, where an ES instance allocated 256.114 kB of memory achieves an ARE of 0.92 and an FR of 8.85%.

> ./ -s ES -m 0.25m              
Mem: 256.114kB, ARE: 0.923303, FR: 8.85333%

If you want a detailed look at the configuration and the original output of the simulator, use the -v option. Below is an example.

> ./ -s ES -m 0.25m -v
Reading sketch config from "../config/PerFlowMeas/Raw/ES/0.25m.toml":

[ES] # Elastic Sketch

  num_buckets = 5
  num_per_bucket = 1
  l_depth = 2
  l_width = 32748

  cnt_method = "InPacket"
  data = "../data/records.bin"
  format = [["flowkey", "padding", "timestamp", "length", "padding"], [13, 3, 8, 2, 6]]

  update = []
  query = ["PODF", "ARE"]
  query_podf = 0.001
... # Simulator output, omitted here

Furthermore, helps you run one of the six framework under all possible memory budgets. Its usage is detailed as follows.

> ./ -h
OVERVIEW: Helper of per-flow measurement
          Run sketch on all memory settings

USAGE: ./ -o output-file -s sketch-name [-p proc-number] [-h]

  s     Specify the sketch framework (ES|FR|NS|NZE|PR|UM|BS_ES|BS_FR|BS_NS|BS_NZE|BS_PR|BS_UM)
  p     Specify the number of processes to run in parallel (default = 1)
  o     Specify the output file
  h     Print this help message

Specifically, you must specify an output file to store results after -o and a sketch framework after -s. You can control the maximum number of parallel processes using the -p option, whose default value is 1. An example usage is as follows.

> ./ -s BS_ES -o result-BS_ES.txt -p 2
> cat result-BS_ES.txt
Mem: 126.189kB, ARE: 0.341465, FR: 35.7667%
Mem: 254.166kB, ARE: 0.101142, FR: 70.9833%
Mem: 384.181kB, ARE: 0.0311635, FR: 85.06%
Mem: 512.021kB, ARE: 0.0105264, FR: 93.7167%
Mem: 767.891kB, ARE: 0.0027149, FR: 98.12%
Mem: 636.357kB, ARE: 0.00497757, FR: 96.7233%
Mem: 1.00516MB, ARE: 0.00151194, FR: 99.4433%
Mem: 896.025kB, ARE: 0.00108287, FR: 99.1733%

Given the sheer number of different configurations, data streams, and setup methods across different experiments, it is a tedious and tough job to give every experiment such handy scripts. Exp #1 is one exemplar and important experiment which demonstrates BitSense's ability, and we have released its full data. If you would like further information on the setup and configuration of the rest experiments, please contact the author via email mentioned at the head of this file and describe the intended purpose faithfully. Thank you for your understanding :)

Part II: Prototype Programs


We provide a simplified version of BitSense data plane P4 programs, which includes the following directories.

  • countmin/ contains the prototype programs of BitSense with Count-Min sketches (CM).
  • sketchlearn/ contains the prototype programs of BitSense with SketchLearn (SL).

Similar to the simulation code and experimental setup above, please contact the author for full implementation. Please do not forget to state the intended purpose in the email. Thank you for your understanding :)


Make sure your Barefoot SDE version is at least 9.9.0.


We provide a simplified version of data plane programs that can be compiled and loaded onto a single Tofino switch. Since BitSense is a switch-local optimization, it does not matter what topology is in use, and the simplest topology, i.e., two hosts connected by a switch, suffices as long as the hosts can emit and receive packets in multiple flows. The control plane program has the same decoding logic as the simulator, and we omit it.

For the two prototype sketches (CM and SL), the original sketch algorithms are in the file cm.p4 and sl.p4, respectively, while the BitSense version of the sketches are in the file bs_cm.p4 and bs_sl.p4, respectively. The function of these programs mainly include parsing the TCP/IP header, measuring traffic statistics with sketches, and running the basic forwarding function.

You can compile the aforementioned P4 files into target-specific code using the SDE tools. When the program is deployed, you need to configure the port and download FIB (Forwarding Information Base) entries according to your local topology. You may follow a Barefoot SDE guidebook on the detailed commands.