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Must Do Coding Questions in Java

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Subarray with given sum Subarray with given sum Easy
2 Kadane's Algorithm Kadane's Algorithm Medium
3 Missing number in array Missing number in array Easy
4 Merge Without Extra Space Merge Without Extra Space Hard
5 Rearrange Array Alternately Rearrange Array Alternately Medium
6 Largest Number formed from an Array Largest Number formed from an Array Medium
7 Spirally traversing a matrix Spirally traversing a matrix Easy
8 Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion Easy
9 Trapping Rain Water Trapping Rain Water Medium
10 Kth smallest element Kth smallest element Medium
11 Reverse array in groups Reverse array in groups Basic
12 Minimum Platforms Minimum Platforms Medium
13 Leaders in an array Leaders in an array Easy
14 Equilibrium Point Equilibrium Point Easy
15 Reverse Array Reverse array Easy
16 Sort 0 1 2 Sort 0 1 2 Easy
17 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy
18 Rotate Array Rotate Array Easy
19 Maximum of all subarrays of size k Maximum of all subarrays of size k Medium
20 Single Number Single Number Easy
21 Intersection of Two Arrays II Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy
22 Count Triplets Count Triplets Medium
23 Help Classmates Help Classmates Medium
24 Maximum Product Subarray Maximum Product Subarray Medium
25 Reshape the Matrix Reshape the Matrix Easy
26 Valid Sudoku Valid Sudoku Easy
27 Subarrays with equal 1s and 0s Subarrays with equal 1s and 0s Medium
28 First non-repeating character in a stream First non-repeating character in a stream Easy
29 First negative integer in every window of size k First negative integer in every window of size k Easy
29 Valid Substring Valid Substring Easy
30 The Celebrity Problem The Celebrity Problem Medium
31 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Median of Two Sorted Arrays Medium
32 Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram Medium
33 Count pairs in array divisible by K Count pairs in array divisible by K Medium

Searching Algo
S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Linear Search Linear Search Basic
2 Binary Search Binary Search Basic
3 First Bad Version First Bad Version Easy
4 Search Insert Position Search Insert Position Easy
5 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium
6 Find Missing And Repeating Find Missing And Repeating Medium
7 Majority Element Majority Element Medium
8 Searching in an array where adjacent differ by at most k Searching in an array where adjacent differ by at most k Medium
9 Find Pair Given Difference Find Pair Given Difference Easy
10 Zero Sum Subarrays Zero Sum Subarrays Medium

Sorting Algo
S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Bubble Sort Bubble Sort Basic
2 Selection Sort Selection Sort Basic
3 Insertion Sort Insertion Sort Easy
4 Merge Sort Merge Sort Easy

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Spirally traversing a matrix Spirally traversing a matrix Medium
2 Search a 2D Matrix Search a 2D Matrix Medium
3 Row with max 1s Row with max 1s Medium
4 Sorted matrix Sorted matrix Basic
5 Maximal Square Maximal Square Medium
6 Rotate Image Rotate Image Medium
7 Common Elements Present In All Rows Of Matrix Common Elements Present In All Rows Of Matrix Medium
8 Solve the Sudoku Solve the Sudoku Medium

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Longest Common Prefix in an Array Longest Common Prefix in an Array Medium
2 Reverse words in a given string Reverse words in a given string Easy
3 Permutations of a given string Permutations of a given string Basic
4 Longest Palindrome in a String Longest Palindrome in a String Medium
5 Roman Number to Integer Roman Number to Integer Easy
6 Convert to Roman No Convert to Roman No r Easy
7 Anagram Anagram Easy
8 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium
9 First Unique Character in a String First Unique Character in a String Medium
10 Search Pattern Search Pattern Medium

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Finding middle element in a linked list Finding middle element in a linked list Basic
2 Reverse a linked list Reverse a linked list Easy
3 Rotate a Linked List Rotate a Linked List Easy
4 Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size Medium
5 Intersection Point in Y Shapped Linked Lists Intersection Point in Y Shapped Linked Lists Medium
6 Detect Loop in linked list Detect Loop in linked list Easy
7 Nth node from end of linked list Nth node from end of linked list Easy
8 Merge two sorted linked lists Merge two sorted linked lists Easy
9 Add two numbers represented by linked lists Add two numbers represented by linked lists Easy
10 Check if Linked List is Palindrome Check if Linked List is Palindrome Easy
11 Flattening a Linked List Flattening a Linked List Medium
12 Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it Easy
13 Remove duplicate Remove duplicate Easy
14 Find length of Loop Find length of Loop Easy
15 Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list Easy
16 Reverse a Doubly Linked List Reverse a Doubly Linked List Easy
17 Segregate even and odd nodes in a Link List Segregate even and odd nodes in a Link List Easy
18 Delete nodes having greater value on right Delete nodes having greater value on right Medium
20 Add 1 to a number represented as linked list Add 1 to a number represented as linked list Easy
21 Merge Sort for Linked List Merge Sort for Linked List Easy
22 Quick Sort on Linked List Quick Sort on Linked List Medium
23 Middle of the Linked List Middle of the Linked List Medium
24 Split a Circular Linked List into two halves Split a Circular Linked List into two halves Medium
25 Clone a linked list with next and random pointer Clone a linked list with next and random pointer Medium
26 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Reverse Nodes in k-Group Medium
27 Reverse Linked List II Reverse Linked List II Medium
28 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium
29 Swapping Nodes in a Linked List Swapping Nodes in a Linked List Medium
30 Merge In Between Linked Lists Merge In Between Linked Lists Medium
31 Delete node in Doubly Linked List Delete node in Doubly Linked List Basic

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Left View of Binary Tree Left View of Binary Tree Easy
2 Count Leaves in Binary Tree Count Leaves in Binary Tree Basic
3 Diameter of Binary Tree Diameter of Binary Tree Easy
4 Height of Binary Tree Height of Binary Tree Basic
5 Check for Balanced Tree Check for Balanced Tree Easy
6 Symmetric Tree Symmetric Tree Easy
7 Identical Tree Identical Tree Easy
8 Connect Nodes at Same Level Connect Nodes at Same Level Medium
9 Level order traversal in spiral form Level order traversal in spiral form Easy
10 Level order traversal Level order traversal Easy
11 Inorder Traversal Inorder Traversal Easy
12 Preorder Traversal Preorder Traversal Easy
13 Postorder Traversal Postorder Traversal Easy
14 Delete without head pointer Delete without head pointer Medium
15 Reverse Level Order Traversal Reverse Level Order Traversal Easy
16 Invert Binary Tree Invert Binary Tree Easy
17 Right View of Binary Tree Right View of Binary Tree Easy
18 Top View of Binary Tree Top View of Binary Tree Medium
19 Bottom View of Binary Tree Bottom View of Binary Tree Medium
20 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Easy
21 ZigZag Tree Traversal ZigZag Tree Traversal Easy
22 Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree Medium
23 Check if Tree is Isomorphic Check if Tree is Isomorphic Medium
24 Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree Medium
25 Binary Tree to DLL Binary Tree to DLL Hard
26 Boundary Traversal of binary tree Boundary Traversal of binary tree Medium
27 Construct Tree from Inorder & Preorder Construct Tree from Inorder & Preorder Medium
28 Sum Tree Sum Tree Medium
29 Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree Medium
30 Duplicate Subtrees Duplicate Subtrees Medium
31 Maximum sum of Non-adjacent nodes Maximum sum of Non-adjacent nodes Medium
32 Sum of nodes on the longest path from root to leaf node Sum of nodes on the longest path from root to leaf node Easy
33 Clone a Binary Tree Clone a Binary Tree Medium
34 K distance from root K distance from root Easy
35 Diagonal Sum In Binary Tree Diagonal Sum In Binary Tree Easy
36 Perfect Binary Tree Perfect Binary Tree Easy
37 Leaves to DLL Leaves to DLL Medium

Binary Search Tree
S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Check for BST Check for BST Medium
2 Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST Medium
3 Largest BST Largest BST Medium
4 Insert a node in a BST Insert a node in a BST Basic
5 Minimum element in BST Minimum element in BST Basic
6 Count BST nodes that lie in a given range Count BST nodes that lie in a given range Medium
7 Flatten BST To A Sorted List Flatten BST To A Sorted List Medium
8 Preorder to Postorder Preorder to Postorder Medium
9 Normal BST to Balanced BST Normal BST to Balanced BST Easy

Stack and Queue
S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Reverse Stack Using Recursion Reverse Stack Using Recursion Easy
2 Sort a stack Sort a stack Easy
3 Merge Intervals Merge Intervals Medium
4 Valid Substring Valid Substring Easy
5 LRU Cache LRU Cache Easy
6 Queue Reversal Queue Reversal Easy
7 Implement two stacks in an array Implement two stacks in an array Easy
8 Next Smaller Element Next Smaller Element Medium
9 First non-repeating character in a stream First non-repeating character in a stream Medium
10 Game with String Game with String Medium
11 First negative integer in every window of size k First negative integer in every window of size k Medium
12 Reverse First K elements of Queue Reverse First K elements of Queue Easy
13 Maximum of all subarrays of size k Maximum of all subarrays of size k Medium
14 Rotten Oranges Rotten Oranges Medium
15 Special Stack Special Stack Medium
16 Queue using two Stacks Queue using two Stacks Easy
17 Flood fill Algorithm Flood fill Algorithm Medium
18 Distance of nearest cell having 1 Distance of nearest cell having 1 Medium
19 Circular tour Circular tour Medium

Dynamic Programming
S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Min Cost Climbing Stairs Min Cost Climbing Stairs Easy
2 Coin Change Coin Change Medium
3 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem Medium
4 nCr nCr Medium
5 House Robber House Robber Medium
6 House Robber II House Robber II Medium
7 Jump Game Jump Game Medium
8 Longest Increasing Subsequence Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium
9 Longest Common Subsequence Longest Common Subsequence Medium
10 Maximum path sum in matrix Maximum path sum in matrix Medium
11 Edit Distance Edit Distance Medium
12 House Robber III House Robber III Medium
13 Minimum sum partition Minimum sum partition Hard
14 Subset Sum Problem Subset Sum Problem Medium
15 Partition Equal Subset Sum Partition Equal Subset Sum Medium
16 Knapsack with Duplicate Items Knapsack with Duplicate Items Medium
17 Rod Cutting Rod Cutting Medium
18 Coin Change 2 Coin Change 2 Medium
19 Longest Common Substring Longest Common Substring Medium
20 Longest Palindromic Subsequence Longest Palindromic Subsequence Medium
21 Minimum number of deletions and insertions Minimum number of deletions and insertions Easy
22 Shortest Common Supersequence Shortest Common Supersequence Medium
23 Minimum number of deletions Minimum number of deletions Easy
24 Longest Repeating Subsequence Longest Repeating Subsequence Easy

S.No Question Link Solution Difficulty
1 Find Nth root of M Find Nth root of M Easy
2 Kth Smallest Factor Kth Smallest Factor Easy
3 Square root of a number Square root of a number Medium


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