Dynamically sort data in Elixir!
Sortex examines your ecto queries and dynamically adds the desired sorting and any required joins.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding sortex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:sortex, "~> 0.1.0"}
You need to configure the route helpers module in your config file as shown below
config :sortex,
route_helpers_module: YourAppWeb.Router.Helpers
You can use it like this:
|> Sortex.sort(%{"sort" => %{"field" => "number_of_feet"}})
|> Repo.all
It also provides View functions to use in Phoenix templates to ensure the parameters are correct for the backend e.g
<th><%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, field: :number_of_feet %></th>
<td><%= animal.number_of_feet %></td>
It supports assoc fields on schema based queries too, but you do need to tell it the links between schema as a schema could appear more than once in a tree of nested schemas...
For example, assuming you have an Animals
schema with a Feed
assoc and the Feed
assoc has a Supplier
assoc and you wish to sort by the name
field on the Supplier
schema you would do this:
<%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, assoc: [:feed, :supplier] field: :name %></th>
If you are using non schema based queries e.g. from a in "animals", select: %{a.number_of_feet}
simple sorts work in the same way. However assocs are slightly different. You just need to give the name of the table and the field
<%= sorted_column @conn, helper: :animal_path, action: :show, assoc: :supplier field: :name %></th>
(If a table is joined multiple times in the query it will use the first join for it)
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/sortex.