A simple Android application that allows you to get access to a lawyer near your location through the app.
- Android Studio
- Firebase
- Open Android Studio
- If you have an open project close the project
- Click check out project from version control
- Choose Git and set the url as the git url of this project
- Confirmation to user when register's
- Change android theme
- Add coloring on things like buttons to make it look aesthetic
- password validation to check if it is greater than 6 characters
- add splash activity
- Change project title
- add Navigation menu
- Show lawyer availability
- Redesign the Clients Recyclerview
- Add appointment feature
- Add payement Feature
- Change android icon
- Scrapper to check if lawyer is legitimate
- Add table showing lawyer stats like this
- Reverse geocoding to know clients location and to search the lawyers in that particular location
- Add notofications when lawyer or client receives a message or payment information from lawyer
- [FireBase] (https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup)
- [Glide] (https://github.com/bumptech/glide)