Arduino PH & EC Meter for hydroponics and gardening
Using an Arduino NANO or just about any Arduino you can create a very accurate PH & EC/TDS meter for hydroponic and gardening.
- Connect your Arduino to your computer, start the Arduino IDE and flash the AREF_Calibrate.ino to the Arduino.
- Get an accurate Digital Multi-Meter and measure the voltage on pins AREF and GND (Should be somewhere in the range of ~1.1v)
- Edit the PHEC_Meter.ino and add the voltage from AREF/GND pin to the float iREF = variable.
- Save and flash PHEC_Meter.ino to your Arduino
- Disconnect the USB cable from the Arduino and connect the PH, EC, Temperature sensors, and OLED to the following pins:
PH probe connection (E201-BNC): 5v : GND : Po to A0
OLED connection (128x64) I2C display: 5v : GND : SDA to A4 : SCL to A5
EC Probe connection (Ocean-TDS Maker Sensor): S to A1 : GND : +5V
Temperature Probe connection (GIKFUN Temp probe): 5V : GND : Data to D7
- Adjust the variable resistor closest to the BNC connector to adjust the PH sensor.
It will be very helpful to have a PH testing solutions. I have 4.0, 6.86, and 9.18 PH solutions.
TODO: Desiging a case to hold all the electronics