A fullscreen-only WM intended for reducing distractions and encouraging focus, particularly for programming and writing via the terminal.
This is crafted very specifically for my the author's own use case, but feel free to tinker with it to match your own.
Recommend pairings: urxvt, tmux, kdeconnect, clipmenud, and unclutter - but feel free to customize as you see fit.
Add at least the last line of this to .xinitrc
(sleep 5 && unclutter -b --timeout 3) &
xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape' &
clipmenud &
exec /usr/lib/kdeconnectd &
exec /home/glenn/glennwm/glennwm
Then run this to test changes:
cd ~/glennwm && make && cd && startx
Alt-F12 quits. You can see the rest of the bindings in glennwm.c
Heavily inspired by nullwm.