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[Legacy] - Wagtail based donation stack


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Setup your Dev Environment with Docker

When it's done, run docker-compose up, wait for the static files to be built, and go to When you want to stop, do ^C to shut down your containers. If they don't stop properly, run docker-compose down. If you want a new dev environment, stop your containers and run inv new_env.

Secrets necessary to enable several features in a local docker development environment can be found in the 1pass, Engagement Vault, in a Note called "donate-wagtail docker .env file". Copy the contents of this file and replace the .env file that came with the repo. Do not distrubute the .env file.

It's possible to connect your IDE to the python virtual env available inside the backend container (tested with pycharm and vscode). If you run into issues, ping patjouk on slack.

To run commands with Docker, run docker-compose run [SERVICE] [COMMAND]. For example, running the python tests is done by docker-compose run backend ./dockerpythonvenv/bin/python test --settings=donate.settings_test. Since it's pretty long, most cases are covered by Invoke commands.

More information on how to use Docker for local dev is available in the Local dev documentation.


Django Configurations is used for application configuration. The following Configuration Classes are provided:

Value Purpose
Development Base configuration, suitable for local development.
Staging Staging configuration.
Production Production configuration.
ReviewApp Review App configuration. Use this configuration for Heroku Review apps.
ThunderbirdDevelopment Base configuration that enables all the Thunderbird template and string overrides. Suitable for local development.
ThunderbirdStaging Staging configuration for Thunderbird donation configurations.
ThunderbirdProduction Production configuration for Thunderbird donation configurations.
ThunderbirdReviewApp Review App configuration for Thunderbird donation configurations.

To set the Thunderbird settings in local development, simply change your DJANGO_CONFIGURATION in your .env file to be one of the choices above (For Thunderbird, use ThunderbirdDevelopment)

Braintree configuration

The following environment variables are required to configure payment processing via Braintree:

  • BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID: the merchant ID for the Braintree account used to process donations.
  • BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNTS: a series of key-value pairs that map each supported currency to the corresponding Braintree merchant account that is configured in that currency. For example: usd=usd-ac,gbp=gbp-ac,eur=eur-ac where usd-ac, gbp-ac and eur-ac are merchant account IDs.
  • BRAINTREE_PLANS: a series of key-value pairs that map each supported currency to the corresponding Braintree subscription plan that is configured in that currency. For example: usd=usd-plan,gbp=gbp-plan,eur=eur-plan where usd-plan, gbp-plan and eur-plan are plan IDs.
  • BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY: Public API key provided by Braintree.
  • BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY: Private API key provided by Braintree.
  • BRAINTREE_TOKENIZATION_KEY: Tokenization key provided by Braintree.
  • BRAINTREE_USE_SANDBOX: Boolean to configure whether or not to use the Braintree sandbox.

To get the payment processing working during local development, check 1Password for an example configuration by searching for "donate-wagtail docker .env file". Without the Braintree configuration in place, you won't be able to see the PayPal button on the landing pages.

You can also find example PayPal user credentials in 1Password by searching for "Paypal Sandbox Merchant". Use these as the login information during PayPal checkout.

Webhook Configuration

There's a webhook endpoint for processing Braintree events. The events it supports are:

  • subscription_charged_successfully
  • subscription_charged_unsuccessfully
  • dispute_lost

The endpoint accepts requests on /braintree/webhook/ and will verify the payload signature to ensure it's a legitimate event. Documentation for Braintree webhooks can be found here.


Basket is a tool run by MoCo to manage newsletter subscriptions and donations. It's listening for messages (JSON) sent to a SQS queue.

Basket donations queue:

Basket has 4 event types we can use:

  • donation: process a donation and send its data to SFDC,
  • crm_petition_data: add petition signature to SFDC,
  • newsletter_signup_data: newsletter signup for the foundation site,
  • DEFAULT: process a followup Stripe event on a donation.

For this project, we're only using the donation event type.

Donation event type

Example of a donation message sent to Basket, via SQS:

    'data': {
        'event_type': 'donation',
        'last_name': 'alex',
        'email': '[email protected]',
        'donation_amount': 50,
        'currency': 'usd',
        'created': 1563801762,
        'recurring': false,
        'service': 'paypal',
        'transaction_id': 'ch_1Ez1TSG8Mmx3htnxyShib70n',
        'project': 'mozillafoundation',
        'last_4': '4242',
        'donation_url': 'http://localhost:3000/en-US/',
        'locale': 'en-US',
        'conversion_amount': 50,
        'net_amount': 48.6,
        'transaction_fee': 1.4
  • event_type: Basket event type. Should be donation,
  • first_name: first name of the donor (optional),
  • last_name: last name of the donor,
  • email: email of the donor,
  • donation_amount: amount of the donation,
  • currency: letter code for the currency,
  • created: unix timestamp,
  • recurring: false for a one-time donation or true for a recurring one,
  • service: name of the payment processor (ex: stripe or paypal)
  • transaction_id: ID generated by the payment processor,
  • project: name of the project that will receive the donation (ex: thunderbird, mozillafoundation)
  • last_4: last 4 digits of the credit card,
  • donation_url: url from which the donation was made,
  • locale: language code for the donor,
  • conversion_amount: donation amount in USD, before transaction fees,
  • net_amount: donation amount in USD, after transaction fees,
  • transaction_fee: payment processor's transaction fees in USD

Newsletter signup

We're using Basket newsletter HTTP API to signup people to our newsletter. Specs are available in Basket's documentation. (Note that this is different than the SQS approach used for donation events)

Example from

 { format: 'html',
   lang: 'en-US',
   newsletters: 'mozilla-foundation',
   trigger_welcome: 'N',
   source_url: '',
   email: '[email protected]',
   country: undefined }

Notes: We want to keep the trigger_welcome at N and the format to html. We don't have the country info for now, but from what I understood, it's something we want to change.

Review App

Environment variables

Non-secret envs can be added to the app.json file. Secrets must be set on Heroku in the Review Apps section of the pipelines' settings tab.

Review App for PRs

Opening a PR will automatically create a Review App in the donate-wagtail and thunderbird-donate pipelines. A slack bot posts credentials and links to Review Apps in to the mofo-ra-donate-wagtail and mofo-ra-thunderbird-donate-wagtail channels.

Note: This only work for Mo-Fo staff: you will need to manually open a Review App on Heroku for PRs opened by external contributors.

Review App for branches

You can manually create a review app for any branch pushed to this repo. It's useful if you want to test your code on Heroku without opening a PR yet. To create one:

  • log into Heroku.
  • Go in the donate-wagtail or thunderbird-donate pipeline.
  • Click on + New app and select the branch you want to use.

The review app slack bot will post a message in either the mofo-ra-donate-wagtail or mofo-ra-thunderbird-donate-wagtail with links and credentials as soon as the review app is ready.

SSO and admin logins for local development

The default for admin login for local development is the standard Django login. To use Mozilla SSO via OpenID Connect, set the USE_CONVENTIONAL_AUTH environment variable to False.

To make sure you can log in using your Mozilla SSO credentials, your will need to create a Django superuser with your mozilla email address, using:

docker-compose exec app python createsuperuser

Adding users to the system

The security model currently requires that an existing admin creates an account for a new user first, tied to that user's Mozilla email account, before that user can can log in using SSO.

Further more, in order for SSO authentication to succeed, their account must be a member of the donate user group. To request that an account be added to this group, please file an SSO request bug, making sure to also cc a donate admin in the bug.


Translation is happening on Pontoon, in multiple projects where you can participate:

Project on Pontoon Source repository
Mozilla & Thunderbird UI strings (Django) Repository on GitHub
Mozilla (CMS content) Repository on GitHub
Thunderbird (CMS content) Repository on GitHub

The latest UI source strings are regularly exposed to Pontoon by a Localization PM using the process below. The CMS strings are automatically synchronized with the repositories.

Initial setup:

  • Clone the donate-l10n repository locally.
  • Set the LOCAL_PATH_TO_L10N_REPO variable in your .env file. Use the absolute path to your copy of the donate-l10n repository and include the trailing slash. E.g. LOCAL_PATH_TO_L10N_REPO=/Users/username/Documents/GitHub/donate-l10n/

Exposing latest source strings:

  • Make sure your local repositories of donate-l10n and donate-wagtail are matching the latest revision from main.
  • Run inv docker-makemessages from your donate-wagtail repository.
  • Files should have been updated in your donate-l10n repository. You can now create a pull-request.

Getting the latest translations for local dev

Latest translations are uploaded to S3. To get them, run:

  • curl -o translations.tar
  • tar -C network-api -xvf translations.tar

You don't need to run compilemessages.

The translations_github_commit_[...] file from the archive is only used for debug purposes on Heroku. It can be safely deleted if needed.