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Releases: MoseleyBioinformaticsLab/manuscript.ICIKendallTau

response to review

02 Oct 14:40
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This version has the response to reviewers, that included:

  • adding more definitions to the equations to make them clearer;
  • adding our test for left-censorship on the datasets;
  • adding the number of missing values to some of the plots;
  • adding a direct comparison to Pearson with imputation of missing values.

updated metadata

01 Feb 16:14
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Moving documents into docs, and updated metadata properly

update supplemental materials statement

29 Jan 14:37
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This release:

  • updates the supplemental materials statement with an explicit link to the zenodo repo
  • adds zenodo specific metadata for better tracking of contributors, as well as linking to the other repositories on zenodo proper,
  • updates the readme for downloading the manuscript version of the ICIKendallTau software

updated analyses

26 Jan 18:34
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Has all the updated analyses, including more datasets, and the inclusion of network analyses.

updated analyses

26 Jan 18:21
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Has all the updated analyses, including more datasets, and the inclusion of network analyses.

found figure 4, switched to zenodo

01 Mar 13:56
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We somehow missed that figure 4 was missing (actually we just missed a number while counting), and given issues with figshare not catching new releases on GitHub, we switched all the code repos to Zenodo.

Cache download added

28 Feb 20:35
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Added how to get the cache in the readme

testing a new release for zenodo

28 Feb 18:57
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seriously, it's just adding a blank line to create a new release for zenodo

new tag release for zenodo

28 Feb 18:40
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testing this out to see if zenodo captures each new release

final draft for submission and preprint

24 Feb 19:05
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This is the version of the manuscript going out for review, and for submission to the preprint server