BTWiz is an internal library developed & used by my team: in Android Bluetooth projects for the last 3 years. It is hereby released as an open source project.
Using BTWiz saves us a significant amount of time and error-handling when kickstarting a new Bluetooth project. We encourage you to enjoy these benefits in your next Bluetooth-enabled app.
For licensing details please visit
If you wish to comment on/contribute to BTWiz, feel free to contact me directly.
Gilad Haimov
[email protected]
BTWiz was designed with the following goals in mind:
- Simplicity
Make the Bluetooth initial wiring much simpler to code. - Correctness
Make correct logic easy and incorrect logic harder to write - Asynchronicity
Allow simple yet robust asynchronous activation of Bluetooth commands
BTWiz deals internally with a lot of the Bluetooth initial wiring complexities which are so easy to get wrong even for an experienced Bluetooth developers:
- Bluetooth Support
It Force you to check if the device support Bluetooth and, if not, whether or not the user may enable Bluetooth on device. - Efficient Discovery
BTWiz starts device detection by querying the paired device list to see if the desired device is already known, before performing full blown discovery. - Secure as Default
It will provide you with the correct default (SECURE) when connecting to another device and will allow you, but only in a manifest manner, to prefer non-secure communication. - Connection Failover
BTWiz uses highly effective fall-through mechanism that solves many of the BT connection problems encountered by our team as well as others and roughly follows the following lines
- If in SECURE mode create socket via createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
- If in INSECURE mode create socket via createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
- For API versions >= 15 call device.getUuids() to get supported features
- For API versions < 15 attempt to activate "getUuids" via java reflection
- If the above failed, re-attempt connection using the default SSP = "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
- If the above failed in SECURE mode activate by reflection "createRfcommSocket" to create socket
- If the above failed in INSECURE mode activate by reflection "createInsecureRfcommSocket" to create socket
- If in SECURE mode create socket via createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
Simply add BTWiz_xxx.jar to your project's libs/ folder. Make sure your manifest contains BLUETOOTH permission and, if admin-level ops are used, also BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission.
- Initial check for device Bluetooth support
try {
if (!BTWiz.isEnabled(context)) {
// TODO call startActivity with BTWiz.enableBTIntent() allowing user to enable BT
} catch (DeviceNotSupportBluetooth e) {
// TODO disable Bluetooth functionality in your app
- Device lookup
Start with the bonded device list and optionally continue to discovery:
BTWiz.lookupDeviceAsync(context, comparator, lookupListener, DISCOVER_IF_NEEDED);
Comparator is used to identify a device and must implement IDeviceComparator. The built in DeviceMajorComparator should suffice for many real life tasks.
DISCOVER_IF_NEEDED is a boolean flag that, if set to true, will move to performing discovery if the looked-for device is not in bonded device list.
- Discover all nearby devices
BTWiz.startDiscoveryAsync(context, completeListener, deviceDiscoveredListener);
deviceDiscoveredListener will be called for each newly discovered device completeListener will be called when action is completed
- Establish a Bluetooth server
And accept() new connections
BTWiz.listenForConnectionsAsync("MyServerName", acceptListener, secureMode);
If secureMode equals SECURE - a secure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket will be used. Else: an insecure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket.
- Get list of all bonded device
Set<BluetoothDevice> arr = BTWiz.getAllBondedDevices(context);
- Perform asynchronous IO
Where BTSocket is a wrapper to the standard Bluetooth socket and is mainly used to allow asynchronous IO over the connected/accepted socket.
- Cleanup
IMPORTANT: at the end of Bluetooth processing a cleanup method should be called.
Taken from BTWiz test class
* Test looking up and connecting to a single device, identified by major number & name, via getBTDeviceAsync.
* Note that if device is not part of the bonded list a discovery process will be initiated.
* Set name to null to disable comparison by name
* Set major to -1 to disable comparison by major
public static void connectToDevice(final Context context, final int major,
final String name, final SecureMode secureMode, final UUID serviceUuid) {
try {
if (!BTWiz.isEnabled(context)) {
// TODO call startActivity with BTWiz.enableBTIntent() allowing user to enable BT
} catch (DeviceNotSupportBluetooth e) {
// TODO disable BT functionality in your app
final IDeviceConnectionListener deviceConnectionListener = new IDeviceConnectionListener() {
public void onConnectionError(Exception exception, String where) {
// TODO handle connection error
Log.e("Tester", "Connection error: " + exception + " at " + where);
public void onConnectSuccess(BTSocket clientSocket) {
// TODO work with new connection e.g. using
// async IO methods: readAsync() & writeAsync()
// or synchronous read() & write()
Log.d("Tester", "Connected to new device");
// declare a connecting listener
IDeviceLookupListener lookupListener = new IDeviceLookupListener() {
public boolean onDeviceFound(BluetoothDevice device, boolean byDiscovery) {
// log
String name = device.getName();
String addr = device.getAddress();
int major = device.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
String majorStr = Utils.majorToString(major);
Log.d("Tester", "Discovered device: " + name + ", " + addr + ", " + majorStr);
// and connect to the newly found device
BTWiz.connectAsClientAsync(context, device, deviceConnectionListener, secureMode, serviceUuid);
return false; // and terminate discovery
public void onDeviceNotFound(boolean byDiscovery) {
// TODO handle discovery failure
Log.d("Tester", "Failed to discover device");
final boolean DISCOVER_IF_NEEDED = true; // start discovery if device not found in bonded-devices list
DeviceMajorComparator comparator = new DeviceMajorComparator(major, name);
BTWiz.lookupDeviceAsync(context, comparator, lookupListener, DISCOVER_IF_NEEDED);
// TODO call BTWiz.cleanup() at end of BT processing
* Retrieves a list of all currently bonded devices (no discovery)
public static void getAllBondedDevices(final Context context) {
try {
if (!BTWiz.isEnabled(context)) {
// TODO call startActivity with BTWiz.enableBTIntent() allowing user to enable BT
} catch (DeviceNotSupportBluetooth e) {
// TODO disable BT functionality in your app
Set<BluetoothDevice> allBondedDevices = BTWiz.getAllBondedDevices(context);
if (allBondedDevices != null) {
int num = allBondedDevices.size();
Log.d("Tester", num + " bonded devices were found");
for (BluetoothDevice device: allBondedDevices) {
// TODO do something with device
String name = device.getName();
String addr = device.getAddress();
int major = device.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
String majorStr = Utils.majorToString(major);
Log.d("Tester", "Bonded device: " + name + ", " + addr + ", " + majorStr);
else {
// error had occurred
// TODO call BTWiz.cleanup() at end of BT processing
* Run discovery and returns a list of all discovered devices
public static void discoverNearbyDevices(final Context context) {
try {
if (!BTWiz.isEnabled(context)) {
// TODO call startActivity with BTWiz.enableBTIntent() allowing user to enable BT
} catch (DeviceNotSupportBluetooth e) {
// TODO disable BT functionality in your app
final MarkCompletionListener completeListener = new MarkCompletionListener();
final GetAllDevicesListener deviceDiscoveredListener = new GetAllDevicesListener();
boolean started = BTWiz.startDiscoveryAsync(context, completeListener, deviceDiscoveredListener);
if (!started) {
// TODO handle discovery error
// start a thread that will block until discovery has completed.
// note: this is for demonstration only. standard apps should typically
// create a IDeviceLookupListener implementation class to handle each new discovered
// device as it arrives and not block a thread until discovery completion
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// and iterate results
ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> allDiscoveredDevices = deviceDiscoveredListener.getAll();
for (BluetoothDevice device: allDiscoveredDevices) {
String name = device.getName();
String addr = device.getAddress();
int major = device.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
String majorStr = Utils.majorToString(major);
Log.d("Tester", "Discovered device: " + name + ", " + addr + ", " + majorStr);
BTWiz.cleanup(context); // cleanup BT resources
* Test becoming a BT server and accept()ing new connections
* If secureMode equals SECURE: listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord will be internally activated
* Else: listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord
public static void listenForConnections(final Context context, SecureMode secureMode) {
try {
if (!BTWiz.isEnabled(context)) {
// TODO call startActivity with BTWiz.enableBTIntent() allowing user to enable BT
} catch (DeviceNotSupportBluetooth e) {
// TODO disable BT functionality in your app
IAcceptListener acceptListener = new IAcceptListener() {
public void onNewConnectionAccepted(BTSocket newConnection) {
// log
BluetoothDevice device = newConnection.getRemoteDevice();
String name = device.getName();
String addr = device.getAddress();
int major = device.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
String majorStr = Utils.majorToString(major);
Log.d("Tester", "New connection: " + name + ", " + addr + ", " + majorStr);
// TODO work with new connection e.g. using
// async IO methods: readAsync() & writeAsync()
// or synchronous read() & write()
public void onError(Exception e, String where) {
// TODO handle error
Log.e("Tester", "Connection error " + e + " at " + where);
BTWiz.listenForConnectionsAsync("MyServerName", acceptListener, secureMode);
Log.d("Tester", "Async listener activated");
// Note: to terminate listen session call BTWiz.stopListening()
// TODO call BTWiz.cleanup() at end of BT processing