Fork or Clone this Repository
Run "npm start"
Create a (free) account on https://coin-hive.com/ and get your API Key under Settings / Sites & API Keys (ex. OwZyZ3HVKjMeMTrodeXC2iZ7ZGY8eOdT)
Replace the API key in index.js (line 7) with your API Key
Create a (free) account on http://www.heroku.com
On Heroku create a new application
- Add the following buildpacks
- Connect your Heroku app to your GitHub repo and enable the automatic deployment feature
- Verify that the solution builds
- The solution is basically a web server that does nothing (https://my-monero-miner.herokuapp.com/) but behind the scenes is using the heroku server to mine monero
- Login to your coin-hive account and verify you are receiving reward
Note: After 30 minutes the heroku instance will go to sleep so be sure to sign up for another free service (https://uptimerobot.com/) which can ping your url every 5 minutes to make sure it stays up.