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Takashiro edited this page Sep 6, 2015 · 2 revisions
Cardirector Documentation

Getting Started

How to Build

~ stands for the root directory of Cardirector repo in the following texts.
  1. Download the latest Qt installers from Qt

  2. Install Qt and Qt Creator with the installer you choose according to your developing environment and targeting platform.

  3. Open ~/ with Qt Creator and configure your build directory.

  4. Check the directory ~/include/, where there must be header files after qmake is executed.

  5. Click Build or press Ctrl + B.

  6. For different target OS, you'll get corresponding static library files in ~/lib/.

  7. You may need dynamic library files instead. Edit, removing staticlib from CONFIG, i.e, remove or comment the line below and then execute qmake again.

    CONFIG += staticlib

  8. After rebuilding, you'll find *.dll in ~/bin/ and *.lib in ~/lib/ targeting Windows, and *.so or *.dylib in ~/lib/ for other operating systems.

Apply Cardirector to Your Project

  1. Copy or move ~ into your Qt project.

  2. If you intend to use the static library of Cardirector, you'll have to add the line below in your .pro


  3. Configure INCLUDEPATH, adding Cardirector/include/ as one of your include path.

    INCLUDEPATH += Cardirector/include

  4. Add a new library path Cardirector/lib/ into LIBS.

    LIBS += -L"$$PRO_FILE_PWD/Cardirector/lib"

  5. For dynamic library of Cardirector on Windows, you'll need to move *.dll into the root directory of your project.

  6. For dynamic library of Cardirector on Android, you'll need to add the following line into your .pro

    ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$PWD/Cardirector/lib/

  7. Add the following line to load the library.

    LIBS += -l$$qtLibraryTarget(Cardirector)

  8. In order to use resources and GUI module of Cardirector, you'll need to add MCD_INIT_GUI; into your main()

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