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B+ tree implmentation in c#. also supports bulk loading.


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Implementation of B+ tree in C# 7. There is a Builder that supports bulk-loading of items.

This tree can be converted to IEnumerable<(TKey, TValue)> in order to perform range queries effectively.

if documentations are not clear let me know. your feedback is much appreciated.


BPTree(IComparer<TKey> keyComparer = null, 
       int internalNodeCapacity = 32, 
       int leafCapacity = 32)

BPTree(IEnumerable<(TKey key, TValue value)> source, 
       IComparer<TKey> keyComparer = null, 
       int internalNodeCapacity = 32, 
       int leafCapacity = 32)


int InternalNodeCapacity { get; }
int LeafCapacity { get; }
int Height { get; }
int Count { get; }
IComparer<TKey> KeyComparer { get; }

Add/Update Methods

// add new entry. 
// if key is duplicate, an exception is thrown.
void Add(TKey key, TValue value)

// add new entry if key is not duplicate. 
// returns true if entry is added
bool TryAdd(TKey key, TValue value)

// add new entry or replace the old one. 
// returns true if entry is added
bool AddOrReplace(TKey key, TValue value)

// add new entry or update from old entry.
// updateFunction is used to get the updated entry.
bool AddOrUpdate(TKey key, TValue value, 
  Func<(TKey key, TValue newValue, TValue oldValue), TValue> updateFunction)

// pass key and argument of any type.
// if key does not exist, addFunction is used to get a new entry from key and argument.
// if key does exist, updateFunction is used to get updated entry from key, argument and old entry.
AddOrUpdateFromArg<TArg>(TKey key, TArg arg, 
  Func<(TKey key, TArg arg), TValue> addFunction, 
  Func<(TKey key, TArg arg, TValue oldValue), TValue> updateFunction)

Remove Methods

// remove and take first entry.
// returns true if first entry is removed. (if tree is not empty)
bool RemoveFirst(out TValue first)

// remove and take last entry.
// returns true if last entry is removed. (if tree is not empty)
bool RemoveLast(out TValue last)

// remove and take an entry.
// returns true if the entry is removed.
bool Remove(TKey key, out TValue value)

Other Methods

// readonly indexer to retrieve values by keys.
TValue this[TKey key] { get; }

// retrieve the value by key.
// returns true if entry exists.
bool TryGet(TKey key, out TValue value)

// returns true if entry with given key exists.
bool ContainsKey(TKey key)

// retrieves the nearest value with given key.
TValue NextNearest(TKey key) 

// get first entry.
// throws exception if collection is empty.
(TKey Key, TValue Value) First { get; }

// get last entry.
// throws exception if collection is empty.
(TKey Key, TValue Value) Last { get; }

// it does what it says.
void Clear()

AsEnumerable Methods

Non-concurrent version of B+ tree throws exception if collection is modified during enumeration. (Concurrent version is not implemented yet)

// convert collection to enumerable of keys and values.
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from end to begining without copying the collection.
IEnumerable<(TKey Key, TValue Value)> 
  AsPairEnumerable(bool moveForward = true)
// convert collection to enumerable of keys and values. 
// values are filtered/cast by/to given generic type argument.
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from end to begining without copying the collection.
// filter: if false is passed, cast is performed rather than filter. (invalid casts throw exception)
IEnumerable<(TKey Key, TCast Value)> 
  AsPairEnumerable<TCast>(bool filter = true, 
                          bool moveForward = true)
// convert collection to enumerable of keys and values. 
// enumeration starts from nearest key to the given "start" parameter.
// start: starts from nearest entry in O(log N) speed.
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from "start" to begining without copying the collection.
IEnumerable<(TKey Key, TValue Value)> 
  AsPairEnumerable(TKey start, 
                   bool moveForward = true)
// convert collection to enumerable of keys and values.
// enumeration starts from nearest key to the given "start" parameter.
// values are filtered/cast by/to given generic type argument.
// start: starts from nearest entry in O(log N) speed.
// filter: if false is passed, cast is performed rather than filter. (invalid casts throw exception)
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from "start" to begining without copying the collection.
IEnumerable<(TKey Key, TCast Value)> 
  AsPairEnumerable<TCast>(TKey start, 
                          bool filter = true, 
                          bool moveForward = true)

// convert collection to enumerable of values
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from end to begining without copying the collection.
IEnumerable<TValue> AsEnumerable(bool moveForward = true)

// convert collection to enumerable of values
// enumeration starts from nearest key to the given "start" parameter.
// start: starts from nearest entry in O(log N) speed.
// moveForward: if false is passed, enumeration is from "start" to begining without copying the collection.
IEnumerable<TValue> AsEnumerable(TKey start, bool moveForward = true)

// for use with linq or foreach. but you can call AsPairEnumerable to enumerate keys as well.
IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator()

B+Tree Builder

If you have source of already sorted items, you can use BPTree<TKey, TValue>.Builder to build the tree in O(N) time. this implementation uses bulk-loading. as soon as an out of order item is passed to the builder, builder automatically builds the tree.

by calling Build you can build or retrive already built tree from the builder.


Sparse array is a collection based on B+ tree, it supports inserting duplicate items. it can be converted to both IEnumerable<(K Key, IReadOnlyList<T> Values)> and IEnumerable<(K Key, T Value)>.


Ring array is a collection used as an underlying structure of tree nodes. This array can act as a list, queue or stack since it can push or pop from both ends of the array at O(1) speed.

This collection can shift items in either direction for inserting/removing items to/from middle of array, a direction which requires the least amount of shifts is always chosen.

It has special Split/Merge operations dedicated to b+ tree.


  • B+ Tree collection is not thread safe. a concurrent version of this collection may be included in future.

Implementation details

  • When a node overflows it will give an item to adjacent siblings if possible, other wise the node is split to two nodes.
  • When a node underflows it will take an item from adjacent siblings if possible, other wise the node is merged with one of the siblings.
  • Underlying array of nodes is a special collection designed for faster insertion/removal operations.
  • B+ Tree supports append, prepend and trim from both ends. it means if order of an entry is lower or higher than all other entries, add/remove operations are done at O(1) speed. (O(log N) amortized)


B+ tree implmentation in c#. also supports bulk loading.







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