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James Chambers edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 2 revisions

There are a few things you can do with CollidR's Data API that make your page a little more jazzy. And who doesn't like jazz?

Just a quick note on the formatting that occurs: by default CollidR is set up to use Twitter.Bootstrap styling when it works with elements on your page. If you are not using the Bootstrap library, feel free to develop your own formatter.

Visible Logging

CollidR has the built-in ability to push LI elements into a UL tag on your page.

<ul data-collidR="log"></ul>

Editor Alerts

You can use the following attributes to set up a simple alert pane that keeps the user in the loop:

<div class="alert alert-success" data-collidr="editorsPane">
    <span data-collidr="editorsList"></span>

In the above, the 'editorsPane' is picked up and formatted with Bootstrap alerts. Users get a green background when they are the only editor, and a yellow when someone else has joined the entity.

The 'editorsList' is used to maintain a comma-separated list of editors, or a message indicating that a user is the only editor.

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