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libfixedpointnumber is a Library for fixed point number by C++11.


Usual progrmas computing fixed point number,

  • Bit shift operations are necessary, and they lose readability
  • Types which holding fixed point numbers are just standard integral types, it also lose readability
  • Not type-safe because types for different-spec fixed point numbers are just standard integral types (they include no Q bit width information anywhere)

If libfixedpointnumber is used in programs computing fixed point number...

  • Bit shift operations can be hidden
  • Specs of fixed point number (holding standard integral types and how many bits assigned for fractional part) are explicit
  • Can not substitute a fixed point number into another spec fixed point number without explicit casting

libfixedpointnumber provides...

  • Template class fixed_t to represent fixed point number
  • Arithmetic and comparison operators for fixed_t
  • Casting as conversion between different spec fixed_t (different bit width or different Q bit width)
  • Convert from string like as "3.14" into fixed_t
  • Functions for fixed_t which are compatible to part of functions in cmath
  • Most members and releated functions of fixed_t are provided as constexpr functions

API Reference

Integrate into your project

  1. Include header files in libfixedpointnumber/include/
  2. Add libfixedpointnumber/include/ into your include path.
  3. Compile your codes

It is not necessary to build and link static link library of libfixedpointnumber because all implementations are available in header files.


Following simple sample code provides to calculate half of input number with converting precision (Latest code of this is in interactive_sample/).

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

#include "fixedpointnumber.h"

using fixed_Q7_t = fixedpointnumber::fixed_t<int16_t, 7>;
using fixed_Q8_t = fixedpointnumber::fixed_t<int16_t, 8>;

int main(int, char**) {
  std::cout << "Input number to divide (less than 128): ";

  fixed_Q7_t num(0);
  std::cin >> num;

  std::cout << "Half of "
            << num
            << " is "
            << fixed_Q8_t(num) / fixed_Q8_t(2)
            << std::endl;

  return 0;

You can see following items in this sample

  • Input/Output stream operators are supported
  • Overloaded basic arithmetic operators are available
  • fixed_t can be construct from constant integer

Build samples and unit tests

Makefile of libfixedpointnumber will provide followings on your environments

  • Build and run unit tests
  • Build and run sample programs
  • Some checks
    • Coding rule check by cpplint
    • Static analysis by cppcheck
  • Build documents with Doxygen

List of build targets

make target How it works
all Same as build-all
build-all build-sample and build-test
build-sample Build sample programs
build-test Build unit tests
check Process cppcheck and cpplint
clean Remove generated files
coverage Create coverage report into out/site/coverage (Must use with BUILD_TYPE=coverage)
cppcheck Static analytics by cppcheck
cpplint Lint by cpplint
doc coverage and doxygen
doxygen Generate doxygen HTML documents into out/site/Doxygen
latex Generate doxygen LaTeX documents into out/site/Doxygen
pdf Generate doxygen PDF documents into out/site/Doxygen
run-all run-sample and run-test
run-sample Build (if necessary) and run sample programs
run-test Build (if necessary) and run unit tests
site Build tree for project site

Build options


BUILD_TYPE How it works
debug All optimizations are disabled in build
release Optimizations are enabled in build
coverage Options for build coverage as make target
  • In coverage, optimization are disabled and some additional information to get coverage report will be generated

Build and run unit tests

  1. Install Google Test
  2. make run-test in this directory

Build coverage report

  1. Install gcovr
  2. make BUILD_TYPE=coverage coverage, so html report is put into out/coverage_html/

Build and run sample programs

  1. make run-sample in this directory


Some check targets are available in build by Makefile


  • Install
  • Set that directory in your environment variable PATH
  • make cpplint


  • make CPPLINT=your/installed/directory/ cpplint


  • Install cppechck into your environment
  • make cppcheck

Generate Doxygen document files

  • Install doxygen into your environment
  • make doc

For Windows (Visual Studio)

  • The solution file to build samples and tests with Visual Studio is available as build/win_vs/libfixedpointnumber/libfixedpointnumber.sln
  • Google Test Framework will be recovered automatically at opening solution file


As of 2021/02/12, all tests succeed and all samples are working well on following environments

OS Compiler
FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE clang++
macOS Catalina 10.15.7 g++ (symlink to clang)
Ubuntu 16.04 g++
Ubuntu 18.04 g++
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Visual C++


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