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This repository includes:

  • Common Emacs settings for each environment
  • Makefile to validate their syntax (lint)
  • Files for GitHub Actions

Summary of contents in this repository

For Emacs


  • Configurations
  • Installing packages automatically
    • Official packages
    • MELPA
    • Emacs Wiki
  • Periodic upgrade packages at exiting Emacs


  • Garbage collection threshold
  • Backup files
  • Case sensitivity for completion
  • font-lock
  • fonts
    • Adjusting font size for DPI awareness
  • Frame position and size by DPI
  • Emacs server
  • Mode line
  • Sharing configuration for both GUI and CUI Emacs

Configurations for modes

  • CEDET (semantic)
  • dired
  • emacs-lisp-mode
  • eshell
    • Disable pager for some commands
    • Import bash alias into eshell
  • flycheck
  • moccur
  • plantuml-mode
  • rainbow-delimiters-mode
  • tempbuf-mdoe


  • BAT file to launch Emacs as daemon on Windows

Supplemental scripts for login scripts


  • Run Emacs as daemon only if not available


  • Initialize keychain for ssh

Use settings for Emacs


  • Install necessary packages with packages.el if not available
  • Independent from tools outside of Emacs
    • On Windows, it is not necessary to install cygwin, mingw, or compatible something

How to use

Check out with anyway which you like

In this chapter, check out to ~/dotfiles for example.

$ mkdir -p ~/dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ git clone URL_of_this_repository

How to use settings for Emacs

Add the next line into ~/.emacs.d/init.el.

(load-file "~/dotfiles/.emacs.d/my-init.el")

If you don't need any additonal settings except in ~/dotfiles/.emacs.d/my-init.el and your environment supports symbolic link, you can link to it instead of your own ~/.emacs.d/init.el.

$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/.emacs.d/my-init.el ~/.emacs.d/init.el



This is called after called (global-ede-mode t). So environment dependent EDE setup like as ede-cpp-root-project can be hooked to here.

(load-file "~/dotfiles/.emacs.d/my-init.el")

;; Settings only for this environment.
(add-hook 'my-after-ede-setup-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (ede-cpp-root-project "libfixedpointnumber"
				  :file "~/work/libfixedpointnumber/Makefile"
				  :include-path '("/include")
				  :system-include-path '("/usr/local/include/gtest/"
				  :compile-command "time nice make -k -j check run-test")

Supplemental scripts

For .profile

  • Scripts in .profile support configuration in ~/.profile

How to use each script

  • Add the following line into your .profile
    • As case of and this repository checked out to ~/...
. "$HOME/dotfiles/.profile/"


  • Launch Emacs as daemon mode only if not launched yet



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