Welcome to my GitHub page! Some of the projects I've done are listed below.
Owns the Limaru City Server. Likes trains. A lot. Created the Krepian language. Discord: https://discord.gg/ykrbZga
Variable names must always be in CamelCase. Use 2 spaces instead of tabs. If-else format:
if (condition) {
// statements
else if {
// statements
else {
// statements
For Python, use underscores instead of CamelCase, except in the case of Classes.
If the statement in an if-else block has only 1 line, put it on the same line as the condition. This also applies for loops. Always use a for-loop whenever possible. Use an underscore (if the language allows) for variables that will never be used but must be present for code to work.
For Minecraft plugins: <minor>.<minecraft minor>.<patch*100+snapshot>
For my projects that do not depend/partially depend on someone else's project: <major>.<minor>.<patch*100+snapshot>