How to Setup WebRTC for Development on Windows? In this repo, I will explain its step-by-step process to you.
- Windows 10 (build 19041) or later.
- At least 8GB of RAM (16GB of RAM is recommended).
- At least 15GB of disk space.
- SSD drive formatted with NTFS.
- Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.
- Windows Terminal OR Command Prompt.
In the Visual Studio Installer app, please verify if Visual Studio 2019 has the following workloads installed:
- Desktop development with C++.
- Universal Windows Platform development.
Switch to the Individual Components tab and Select the following:
- C++ MFC for latest v142 build tools (x86 & x64).
- C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools (x86 & x64).
If you want to build for ARM/ARM64, Select:
- C++ MFC for latest v142 build tools
- C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools
- C++ Universal Windows Platform support for v142 build tools
Please go to:
- Control Panel → Programs → Programs and Features → Select the most recent Windows Software Development Kit → Change → Change → Select Debugging Tools For Windows → Change.
You'll need a command prompt configured for calling Visual Studio tools. we have 2 ways for that:
- Using the shortcut in the start menu.
- Start Menu → Visual Studio 2019 → x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019
- OR Search for x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 in start menu.
- Run as an Admin
- Executing the batch file with the configuration
- Open the Windows terminal and paste the following command (Kindly verify the path on your device, you might have Community version. In that case replace the Enterprise with Your version)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat
After setting up the environment, now we have to acquire the WebRTC code base.
WebRTC uses Chromium's build tools named depot_tools. You can download it with curl that is now shipped with Windows.
- Download to the current folder.
curl --output
- unzip depot_tools in the root folder of the f: drive.
mkdir f:\depot_tools
tar -xf -C f:\depot_tools
- delete the file.
- Set the path environment variable to execute commands in the depot_tools folder.
set PATH=f:\depot_tools;%PATH%
- Let's inform depot_tools that we don't have access to Google's internal tools.
- The GYP build tool must be informed about the version of the Visual Studio we're using.
- Create the folder where the code base will be placed.
mkdir f:\webrtc
cd f:\webrtc
- Tell to the gclient tool to initialize your local copy of the repos. You might get few errors here, you only need to reset the permission of folder 'webrtc' to 777
- Request the tools to fetch the WebRTC code base. The following command will take time. Few Hours Maybe, Depending upon your network speed, so be Patient :)
fetch --nohooks webrtc
- After successfull cloning for source code. Change to the branch-heads/4147 branch. This is the commit that the UWP(Universal Windows Platform) patches (see below) are based on.
cd src
git checkout branch-heads/4147
- Instruct the tools to bring the bits from all the sub repositories to your dev box. This may take a while.
gclient sync -D -r branch-heads/4147
The patchWebRTCM84.cmd batch file needs to locate the WebRTC code base in order to be patched.
- The environment variable WEBRTCM84_ROOT should contain the path for the WebRTC code base you've just downloaded.
set WEBRTCM84_ROOT=f:\webrtc\src
- Now, you just need to run the batch file that will patch all the necessary repos that form the WebRTC code base.
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