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Behaviour Tree Workflow

Matt Filer edited this page May 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

OpenCAGE provides the ability to view and edit any behaviour tree in Alien: Isolation through an open source toolkit known as Brainiac Designer. Brainiac is included with the mod tools and tweaked to work better with the tool's workflow. Follow the information here to learn how to open, edit, and save behaviour trees.

General Workflow

Behaviour trees are handled within the "Behaviour Tree Tool" to centralise all processes related to the behaviour trees within the toolkit. The tool has an options window which allows you to customise a couple of functionalities to suit your own workflow, such as enabling the game to auto-launch after importing any changes.

The Behaviour Tree Tool

Navigate to the "Behaviour Tree Tool" within the config editors. Here you will find three options:

  • Open Editor - this button will process all behaviour trees in the background, and open Brainiac to allow editing.
  • Import Changes - this button will take any modified behaviour trees and re-import them into Alien: Isolation.
  • Reset - this button will reset all behaviour trees to vanilla, and remove any changes.

Brainiac Designer

The main behaviour tree work is completed within Brainiac Designer, which utilises a custom developed plugin nicknamed "LegendPlugin" - the same name used by the Creative Assembly's in-house implementation. To learn about what each node does within Brainiac, check out the LegendPlugin Node Documentation wiki page.

Once you've selected "Open Editor" in the "Behaviour Tree Tool", Brainiac will open. Follow these steps to get going...

  1. In the left-hand pane you can see all behaviour trees under the "Behaviours" category, and all available node groups under each "NodeGroup" category. Take some time to browse through all of the behaviours and check out how many nodes are available to use!
  2. To add a new node, drag it from a node group onto the workspace (with a behaviour loaded). Existing nodes will show you arrows where you can place a new node. To modify an existing node, click on it and use the parameters box on the right hand side of the Brainiac Designer window. To remove a node, click on it and press the delete key.
  3. When you're done with your modifications, click save on the top right of every behaviour you have modified (or alternatively close Brainiac Designer and it will prompt you to save all).

After making changes within Brainiac and saving, you can now press "Import Changes" to save your modifications back to the game. Enable the "run game after importing" option for a quick workflow!

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