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tiktok slideshow collage

Sharing tiktoks can be hard on other platforms. tiktxk exists but it has just one problem: it cannot embed slideshows well, it only shows first couple images. So what does this program do? It downloads the images and collages them into a nice single image!

Embedding video tiktoks is also supported.

How to setup

Env var Default Value Description
DOMAIN none The domain where it will serve
PORT 4232 The port where it will serve
PUBLIC false If the index page is public
LIMIT_PUBLIC_AMOUNT -1 How many links are linked on the index. -1 is unlimited. set to 0 and public to true to only display stats
FFMPEG false collages with sound
FANCY_SLIDESHOW false enables video slideshow path, it slides the images with audio. This can and will make requests take a lot longer.
DOWNLOADER false enables the downloader path.
TIKTOK_PROVIDER api Set the provider for data, either tikwm or ttsave otherwise it will default to tiktoks own api.
SUBTITLER false burn the auto generated subtitles into the video.

Docker compose

Clone this repo and cd into it. edit the compose file for path for the collages. Leave the build arg as tikwm or change it to ttsave. I would have to proxy the videos if i were to use urls in tiktoks html.

docker compose build && docker compose up -d


you probably dont want to do this since you need to run 2 things at once.

add fpng_py for fast png encoding Add this to the dockerfile
RUN git clone --recurse-submodules
# for arm64 we disable some build args. what does these flags do? i dont know
RUN sed -i 's/"-msse4.1"/#&/' fpng_py/
RUN sed -i 's/"-mpclmul"/#&/' fpng_py/
WORKDIR /app/fpng_py
RUN pip install . --break-system-packages

or you can build it yourself

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd fpng_py
pip install . 

and copy the compiled files to the container

COPY ./fpng_py/build/lib.path/fpng_py /app/fpng_py

What does it look like?


Yes it is kinda slow but I really cannot affect that

url path description
/t?v= normal collage or embed a video tiktok
/s?v= collage with sound, i guess you can embed a video tiktok as well...
/f?v= slides the images, same for this lol. The requests to this will take a long time to complete, so its better to open this in a browser and when it completes send it to discord.
/d?v= show all images and a button download a zip of all images.
/subs?v=link&lang=en burn the subtitles into a video


this is a beginner project so there might some insane design choices trolley

One such example is calling this python script to make the collages. actually it doenst call it anymore, there are two containers, one for http server and a python one for collaging and resizing.

Massive thanks to Dmitry Alimov and Tim Wilson for inventing the collaging script!


be my guest