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1.0.0 - Beta release

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@MartinRamm MartinRamm released this 11 Feb 12:50
· 17 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes to previos version:

  • dk and dka don't remove the container anymore (use dkrm and dkrma instead)
  • de now checks what the parent image of the container is, and tries to use the most appropriate command based on this. (For example, if an image is from mysql, the command used to exec into the container is mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD)
  • for the de command you can now register custom defaults - see updated ```file.
  • Multiple commands can now be run in fzf-mode multiple, instead of single ()

New features:

  • New Commands drm (remove), drma (remove all), dsrm (stop and remove), dsrma (stop and remove all), dkrm (kill and remove), dkrma (kill and remove all) , dcb (docker-compose build) , dcba (docker-compose build all) , dcp (docker-compose pull) , dcpa (docker-compose pull all) , dcupd (docker-compose update (build or pull)), dcupda (docker-compose update (build or pull) all) , dla (docker logs all)
  • These commands are now running in fzf-mode multiple: dr (docker remove), dl (docker logs)


  • fzf-mode "multiple" not working correctly
  • dr won't show stopped containers anymore, as they can't be restarted
  • Wrong "pre-tests" running for some commands, resulting in the command showing No containers found even though there are selectable containers.