The Corewar project is a game in which several programs called "Champions" will fight to stay the last one alive. Corewar is actually a computer simulation in which processors will share memory to run on.
The project is based on a virtual machine in which the champions will fight for memory by all possible means in order to win, the last champion being able to signal that he is alive wins the game. In other words, the last champion to execute the "live" instruction is declared winner.
Clone this repository.
Build the project:
Run the assembler:
./asm/asm file_name[.s]
Run the virtual machine:
./corewar/corewar [-dump nbr_cycle] [[-n prog_number] [-a load_address] prog_name] ...
Web visualizer:
You can self-host the server and the client.
cd bonus/server
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
cd bonus/client
npm install
# copy .env.example to .env and set the SOCKET_URL to the url of the server
npm run build
# to run the client
npm run preview -- --port 3000
Antoine Lê |
Lou Onezime |
Martin Fillon |
Martin Saldinger |