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Program to Manage Bank Accounts

🗒️ Summary

"Welcome to Trusted Bank! How can I help you?"

This project is a C++ application to manage bank accounts. The program shows the main menu with options to open a new account, display all accounts, deposit and withdraw from an account. There are four types of accounts that can be opened: Regular, Checking, Savings and Trust Account.

This project was developed in C++, and I used CMake to compile the executable.


⭐ Project Features

The application shows the Program Menu:

(a) Open a new account

  • Prompts the user to choose a type of acount, and then to enter the name and initial balance of the account.

(b) Display all accounts

  • Prints a table with all the accounts that have been created.

(c) Deposit to an account

  • Prompts the user to enter an index to select an account, and then to enter an amount to deposit to the account. It shows [Invalid] if the input is not numeric or if it's out of the list range.

(d) Withdraw from an account

  • Prompts the user to enter an index to select an account, and then to enter an amount to withdraw from the account. It shows [Invalid] if the input is not numeric or if it's out of the list range.

(x) Exit.

  • Ends the program.

📝 Details


The main program shows the Main Menu, manages the user selection and validates the input. It makes sure that the input is a character and that is a valid option. If is not a valid option, it shows a message [Invalid], and shows the Main Menu again.

The main program instanciates an object of the Account_Manager class to call methods to open a new account, display all accounts, deposit or withdraw from an account.

Account_Manager Class

The Account_Manager class has a vector of unique pointers to the base class Account, and each pointer gets initialized to the specific account created. The accounts vector of pointers to the base class Account is used to facilitate polymorphic calls to specific account methods from the Account Manager.

It has the following public methods:

  • showMenu()
  • depositToAccount()
  • withdrawFromAccount()
  • displayAllAccounts()

There are four types of accounts that can be opened:

  • Regular Account
  • Checking Account
  • Savings Account
  • Trust Account

Account Class

The Account class is the base class where the rest of the accounts inherit from. It has protected class members that can be inherited: m_Name and m_Balance. It has helper members for the default arguments of the constructor, and a private member called m_Type, specific to each class.

The Account class can be instanciated as a regular account. And there are two accounts that inherit from this class, the Checking and the Savings accounts. There is also, a Trust account that inherits from the Savings Account.

It has the following methods:

  • A two-arg constructor, a copy constructor and a virtual default constructor.
  • Getter methods declared as virtual for inheritance: getName(), getBalance() and getType()
  • Public methods declared as virtual for inheritance: deposit() and withdraw()

Checking_Account Class

The Checking_Account class inherits from the Account class. It inherits the class member variables m_Name and m_Balance. It has helper members for the default arguments of the constructor, and a private member called m_Type, specific to each class.

It has the following methods:

  • A two-arg constructor, a copy constructor and a virtual default constructor.
  • It inherits from class the methods getName(), getBalance()
  • It overrides the methods getType(), and withdraw()

The Checking_Account class adds functionality to the withdraw() method inherited from Account class. It has a withdraw fee every time there is a withdraw from this type of account.

Savings_Account Class

The Savings_Account class inherits from the Account class. It inherits the class member variables m_Name and m_Balance. It has helper members for the default arguments of the constructor, and a private member called m_Type, specific to each class.

It has the following methods:

  • A three-arg constructor, a copy constructor and a virtual default constructor.
  • It inherits from class the methods getName(), getBalance()
  • It overrides the methods getType(), and deposit()

The Savings_Account class adds functionality to the deposit() method inherited from Account class. This account has an interest rate that gets added to the amount to be deposited each time.

Trust_Account Class

The Trust_Account class inherits from the Savings_Account class. It inherits the class member variables m_Name, m_Balance and m_InterestRate. It has helper members for the default arguments of the constructor, and a private member called m_Type, specific to each class, and m_TotalMovements, specific to the Trust Account.

It has the following methods:

  • A three-arg constructor, a copy constructor and a virtual default constructor.
  • It inherits from class the methods getName(), getBalance()
  • It overrides the methods getType(), deposit() and withdraw()

The Trust_Account class adds functionality to the deposit() and withdraw() methods inherited from Savings_Account class. Since, this account is also a Savings Account, it has an interest rate that gets added to the amount to be deposited each time. And the added functionality to the deposit() and withdraw() methods is that every time these methods are called, it increases the variable m_TotalMovements, and it has a limit of maximum movementes allowed per year (there is no implementation for time periods, only for demonstration).

The Trust Account also has a bonus amount that gets deposited if the amount to deposit is greater than the minimum amount to get the bonus.

🗂️ Files & Directories

  • Accounts - Main application dicrectory
    • main.cpp - Account_Manager class header
    • Account_Manager.h - Player class header
    • Account_Manager.cpp- Account_Manager class implementation
    • Account.h- Account class header
    • Account.cpp - Account class implementation
    • Checking_Account.h - Checking_Account class header
    • Checking_Account.cpp - Checking_Account class implementation
    • Savings_Account.h - Savings_Account class header
    • Savings_Account.cpp - Savings_Account class implementation
    • Trust_Account.h - Trust_Account class header
    • Trust_Account.cpp - Trust_Account class implementation
    • Account_Util.h - Helper file that contains variables and functions useful to the Account_Manager and Account classes, and the main function
    • CMakeLists.txt - CMake file to generate configuration files for compiling the project and create the executable

💽 Compile and run the project

Please refer to the following section for instructions on how to configure and run this project on   image

  Configure and compile a CMake project

This is a CMake project that compiles C++ files and creates an application executable.

CMake configuration

You can clone this repository into a local folder in your computer.

Generate configuration files

In a terminal, change to the project directory where the CMakeLists.txt file is, and create a new directory called 'build'.

> mkdir build

Then use the following command to generate the necessary files for your compiler to build the application.

> cmake -S . -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Where -S is the source directory, where a point specifies current directory, -B is the output build directory, and -G is the CMake Generator to use. You can choose the generator you would like.

Compile the project

Move to the "build" directory and use the "make" command to create the application executable:

> cd build
> make

To run the program:

> main.exe

🤝 Acknowledgements

I used for this project some ideas given in the Udemy course "Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond" from Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy, which I took and fully recommend. It is a great C++ course!

👋 About Me

My name is Marissa Campa, I'm a Mechatronics Engineer with a Master of Science in Automation.

You can reach me on   Linkedin Badge   or   Gmail Badge


C++ project to manage bank accounts







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