MKplayer is a HTML5 player written in javascript that enables you to listen to your music anywhere and anytime on any device!
Because it's built to run in your webbrowser you can use your desktop at home or at work and use your smartphone when you're on the move.
The only requirement is that you have a server where you can host the files and have the mp3 files on the same server.
- A webserver
- Mp3s
To install the player unpack the files on your server and create a html file like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/MKplayer/css/MKplayer.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MKplayer/js/MKplayer.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
player = new MK.Player();
// Add songs with javascript
player.addSong(new MK.Song({
title: "Some manual song title",
artist: "Some artist",
album: "Some album",
year: "1999",
url: "/some_file_.mp3",
length: "2:34"
// Or load a playlist
// Now load a skin and your ready to play the music
skin = new MK.BaseSkin(player);
// If you want to control the player yourself you can:
player.repeat = true;
player.shuffle = false;
MKplayer has been creating by Marijn Koesen (@marijnkoesen).