It's very hard to keep truck on everything, and of course memory is something that need to be trained, but if you other 100 things to do sometimes you just forget, thats why the cool thing about programming is that you can let the computer remember (or at least help you) things for you. With this easy script we can truck our assigned pull request in order to don't block the work of others and to make our work smoother.
This tool is based on BitBar , an useful software that let you program the MacOSX upper bar easly, in your favourite language.
- Download & Install BitBar
unzip && mv ~/Applications && open
- Create a
mkdir MyPlugin
- Click on the BitBar icon
- Set as your favourite Plugin Folder
- Clone this repos into whatever place you like
- Install dependecies
npm i
- Configure the plugin for yourself (Look Configuration ⬇️ )
- Create a soft link to the configured plugin
ln - s /Users/$USER/DIRECTORY_YOU_CLONE/assigned-pr-counter-marfeel/counting_prawns.10s.js counting_paraws.10s.js
In order to make it work you have to edit this file with your own configs
- Generate new token here (you must check [repo] to access to private repos)
- Set
If you want to work on this remember to DONT commit your API Token. EVER
At the moment we are using the GitHub API, but will be changed on the Jira ones, in order to follow better the flow we use at Marfeel
Refactor this onJavascript
instead ofRuby
Support multiple repos -
Support for DarkThemes - Support Both the API form Github or Jira by configuration
- Growl Notification
- Reminder (after some times with a pending PR, new notification)
- Vacation Mode
If something dosen't work, or you wanna make new changes or you just wanna talk about which is the better place to catch some Pokemon don't be afraid of open an issue or send a pull request.
Yes, if you were asking yourself, the name is actually the parody version of the Counting Crows