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GCP BigQuery Examples

1. CloudSQL to BigQuery.

Export from Google CloudSQL CSV-file to Cloud Storage

gcloud sql export csv cloud-sql-instance-name gs://folder/file.csv --database=cloud-sql-db-name --offload --query="select id::text, created_at from cloud-sql-table-name"

Import CSV-file from Cloud Storage to BigQuery

bq load --autodetect --source_format=CSV --max_bad_records=100 gs://folder/file.csv id:STRING,created_at:TIMESTAMP

It works slowly. I prefer the external connection.

2. Monthly expense statistics.

select date_trunc(date(creation_time), month)                                as month,
       count(job_id)                                                         as jobs,
       round(sum(total_bytes_billed) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), 0)       as billed_TB,
       round(sum(total_bytes_billed) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), 0) * 7.5 as sum_dollars
  from `region-europe-north1`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT 
 where project_id = 'long-perception-XXXXXX'
   and parent_job_id is null
group by month
order by month;

3. Searching something in views and stored procedures.

select table_catalog || '.' || table_schema || '.' || table_name as object, 
       table_type                                                as type, 
       ddl                                                       as definition
  from `region-europe-north1`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
 where table_type = 'VIEW'
   and lower(ddl) like '%table.column%'

union all

select routine_catalog || '.' || routine_schema || '.' || routine_name as object, 
       routine_type                                                    as type, 
       ddl                                                             as definition, 
  from `region-europe-north1`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES
 where lower(ddl) like '%table.column%'

4. Get the Monday date of the current week.

select date_trunc(current_date('Europe/Moscow'), week(monday)) as week_monday

5. Get the MIN value from the 3 previous rows.

with table_name as (
select '2023-05-01' as date, 10 as price, 'g001' as group_name union all
select '2023-05-02' as date, 12 as price, 'g001' as group_name union all
select '2023-05-03' as date,  9 as price, 'g001' as group_name union all
select '2023-05-04' as date, 11 as price, 'g001' as group_name union all
select '2023-05-05' as date, 12 as price, 'g001' as group_name
       min(t.price) over(partition by t.group_name order by desc rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding) as prev3_min_price,
  from table_name t
Row date price group_name prev3_min_price
1 2023-05-05 12 g001 null
2 2023-05-04 11 g001 12
3 2023-05-03 9 g001 11
4 2023-05-02 12 g001 9
5 2023-05-01 10 g001 9

6. Copy tables between datasets in different locations

bq mk --transfer_config --project_id=long-perception-XXXXXX --data_source=cross_region_copy --target_dataset=dataset-name-eu --display_name='dataset US to EU' --params='{"source_dataset_id":"dataset-name-us","source_project_id":"long-perception-XXXXXX","overwrite_destination_table":"true"}'

Or you can use Data Transfer UI.

7. External connection (you can query data in Cloud SQL from BigQuery).

bq mk --connection --connection_type='CLOUD_SQL' --connection_credential='{"username":"bq_reader", "password":"bq_reader_password"}' --properties='{"instanceId":"long-perception-XXXXXX:europe-north1:postgres","database":"cloud-sql-db-name","type":"POSTGRES"}' --project_id=long-perception-XXXXXX --location=europe-north1 external-connection-name
  from external_query(
    select id:text as id,
      from public.table_name
  ) t

8. Get Scheduled queries.

bq ls --transfer_config --transfer_location=europe-north1 --format=csv

You can save csv to Cloud Storage and then load to BigQuery:

load data overwrite `long-perception-XXXXXX.dataset_name.scheduled_query_YYYYMMDD`
from files (
  format = 'CSV',
  uris = ['gs://bucket_name/scheduled_query/scheduled_query_YYYYMMDD.csv']);

9. Split text into words. And get the words offset.

select text, word, word_offset
  from `long-perception-XXXXXX.dataset_name.table_name` a
  cross join unnest(split(text, ' ')) as word with offset word_offset
text word word_offset
qwe rty asd qwe 0
qwe rty asd rty 1
qwe rty asd asd 2
zxc vbn zxc 0
zxc vbn vbn 1

10. Get data from the past (Time travel).

select *
  from `long-perception-XXXXXX.dataset_name.table_name`
for system_time as of timestamp_sub(current_timestamp(), interval 10 hour)


GCP BigQuery Examples







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