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This is the GitHub Repository for 30 days Javascript learning challenge!.

Current Javascript Learning Process Bar :

Table Of Content

Days What Learned? Checkbox
  • Console.log()
  • Js variables
  • Js Naming
  • Using Js in webpage
  • Data Types In Js
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Non-Primitive Data Types
  • Arrays
  • Numbers
  • Math Objects
  • Strings
  • Concetenating String
  • Escape Charecter
  • Tamplate Lireral
  • All js string methods
  • Typeof
  • Converting Data Types
  • Done all levels exercises✔
  • Booleans
  • Truthy Value & value
  • undefined & null
  • Operators (+,-,*,/,%,**)
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Increment Operators
  • Ternary Operators
  • Windows Methods
  • Date Object and Methods
  • Completed all exercises Day03✔
  • Learned about Conditionals
  • Learned if, else
  • else if statements
  • Switch conditions
  • Ternary Operators
  • Error handling using conditions
  • Completed all level exercises✔
  • Learned about Arrays
  • Different ways to make arrat - Array constructor & using []
  • .split()
  • Accessing array items by index
  • Modifying array element
  • Methods to manipulate array
  • .fill(value)
  • Merge Arrays by .concat(array)
  • array length
  • indexOf() in array
  • .toString()
  • .join()
  • .slice(sarting index, ending index)
  • push(item to add in last index)
  • .pop();
  • .shift()
  • .unshift(element to include in first index)
  • .reverse()
  • .sort()
  • array of arrays
  • Done level1 exercises✔
  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do while loop
  • for of loop
  • break; & continue;
  • Level1 and 2 exercises done✔
  • Level3 exercise done✔
  • Declairing a function
  • Function without perameters
  • Function with parameter - one, two, multple, ulimited
  • unlimited perameter with arguments
  • unlimited perameter with rest operator
  • Anonymous Function
  • Arrow Function
  • Arrow Function - without, single, two, more
  • Arrow Function without return statement
  • Function with default peramiter
  • Level 1 exercises ✔
  • Level 2 exercises ✔
  • Level 3 exercises ✔
  • Local Scope
  • Global scope
  • Block scope and function scope
  • Objects - empty, with values
  • Getting values from an object
  • Object Methods and "this"
  • Srtting new key for object
  • Object methods:
  • Object.assign
  • Object.keys
  • Object.values
  • Object.entries
  • hasOwnProperty
  • Level2 exercises✔️
  • Level3 exercises✔️
  • Higher Order Function
  • Callback
  • Returning Function
  • Setting time
  • 1. setInterval(callback, duration)
  • 2. setTimeout(callback, duration)
  • Functional Programming
  • 1. forEach
  • 2. map
  • 3. filter
  • 4. reduce
  • 5. find
  • 6. find
  • 7. findIndex
  • 8. some
  • 9. sort
  • i. normal sort
  • ii. number and object sort
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • Set
  • Creating a set -
  • 1. Empty set
  • 2. Set from arrays
  • Set is iterable by for of loop
  • Set Methods
  • 1. adding element (.add(item))
  • 2. deleting element (.delete(item))
  • 3. cheacking element (.has(item))
  • 4. clear all elements (.clear())
  • Union of sets
  • Intersection of sets
  • Difference of sets
  • Map
  • Ceating map
  • 1. empty map ()
  • 2. Map from arrays
  • Map methods
  • 1. Add element in map (.set(item1, item2))
  • 2. Getting element from Map (.get(item))
  • 3. checking map keys (.has(keyItem))
  • Map values using for..of loop
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • Destructuring
  • Destructuring arrays
  • 1. If we want to skip a value of array for destructuring
  • 2. We can use default values
  • 3. We can use spred operator (...) in destructuring to specify rest of valuse
  • 4. Destructuring during iteration
  • Object destructuring
  • 1. Renaming during destructring
  • 2. We can use default values if key is not found or undefined
  • 3. Destructuring object during iteration
  • Spread or Rest Operator (...)
  • 1. Spread operator to get rest of element
  • 2. spread operator to copy array and merge arrays
  • 3. Spread operator to copy object
  • 4. changing object value while coping
  • 5. Speard operator with unlimited arguments function
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pattern & Flags
  • Creating a pattern with RegExp Constructor
  • regexp constructor
  • RegExp object mathods
  • .test, .match, .search, .replace
  • Regexp charecters and meaning
  • Square Bracket []
  • Escape character()
  • One or more times(+)
  • Period(.)
  • Console Object Methods
  • console.log
  • Substitution
  • CSS in console
  • Warn, Error & table
  • console.time() & console.timeEnd()
  • console.assert()
  • console.count()
  • console.clear()
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • Error Handling
  • try, catch, finally
  • Catch block peramiter
  • throw
  • Error Types
  • - Reference, Syntax and Type Errors
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • Classes
  • Class Syntax
  • Class Instantiation
  • Class Constructor - Syntax, example
  • Default values with constructor
  • Class methods making
  • Properties with initial value
  • gettter - get
  • setter - set
  • Static method
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • JSON
  • Example, Syntax
  • JSON to js Object - parse()
  • Reviver function with JSON.parse()
  • Object to JSON - stringify()
  • Filter with JSON.stringify
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️
  • HTML5 Web Storage
  • sessionStorage, localStorage
  • setItem(), getItem(), removeItem(), clear(), key()
  • Usage of local storege
  • HTML5 Web Storage Objects
  • Setting item - localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
  • Syntax, Example, JSON store
  • Getting item - localStorage.getItem('key')
  • Clearing the localStorage
  • clear one item, clear all item
  • Level1 ex done ✔️
  • Level2 ex done ✔️
  • Level3 ex done ✔️